I spat in his face, smiling when I could see the shock caused by my rebellion flicker in his eye.

“I hate you,” I said. “You are nothing but a beast. A savage. A cruel man. You are far worse than any of the other huntsmen.”

Without wasting another second, Freyr tore my clothing off so fast and furious that I didn’t even have time to comprehend and try to stop the onslaught. Soon, the shirt that once concealed my body became shreds of fabric tossed around by a creature far from a man before me.

I tried to fight him off, even though I knew it was pointless. He was bigger. Stronger. Freyr would win this battle regardless of how hard I struggled.

But that didn’t mean I wouldn’t try.

“Don’t you touch me!” I screamed as I tried to scratch out his eyes.

Gripping my hands above my head, he flung me back hard against the bed, only giving me a second to realize I was completely nude at this point.

“I will do more than touch you,” he growled. Gripping both my wrists with one of his beefy hands, he unfastened the rope with his free hand and his teeth as he worked to untie the knot. “Don’t want the rope? Allow me to help you, then,” he said as he removed the rope and tossed it to the floor.

I took a deep breath and ceased my struggles. Freedom. Unrestricted air.

Still holding my hands firmly above my head, he reached for his belt buckle and released it from his waist. “Not a fan of the rope? How about a different type of binding?”

His eyes told me what he was going to do even before his actions did. The malice pulsed all around the darkness of his demanding eyes. I knew that very moment that I had no choice but to succumb to his vexation.

I shook my head. “Please,” I begged as he wrapped the leather around my neck, pulling it through the clasp.

He tightened the belt even more as he straddled my body. He had released my hands, so I was able to pull at the leather, but to no avail. The more I struggled, the tighter he pulled.

“Can you breathe now?” he asked, savagery underlying his question.

I couldn’t speak and could only shake my head as my ears began to ring. I really couldn’t breathe as the leather got tighter and tighter.

“Look at me,” he demanded. “Look at me!”

I opened my eyes and stared into his eyes, silently begging for my life. My trachea felt the pressure of the belt, so much so that I couldn’t even swallow the saliva building up in my mouth.

“I want you to remember this. Whenever you think something I do or something I dictate is so awful, I want you to remember that it can always get worse. I bet you are wishing for the rope right about now.” He tightened the belt even more, causing blackness to edge around my vision. “If you doubt me, if you disobey me, if you ever question my actions, just know that it will become much worse for you. You may think that being with us huntsmen is the worst thing that can happen to you…but you are so very wrong. Deadly wrong.”

Where was Steen? Would he really allow his brother to kill me? If not for the fact that I was another human being, would he not want to save me simply for the other huntsmen?

I bucked my hips in a final attempt to throw Freyr from my body before darkness completely took hold.

Freyr looked over his shoulder and down at my writhing legs and then back into my eyes. Without saying another word, he loosened the belt just enough that I could take in a shallow breath of air. It wasn’t enough to fully fill my lungs, but enough to keep me alive. Just when I was hoping that Freyr had finally felt I had been taught my lesson enough and he would remove the belt, he surprised me by getting off my body and flipping me over onto my stomach.

A familiar feeling of fear and forbidden arousal took over as the memory of the other huntsmen taking me took hold of my emotions. Would Freyr do the same? Would he take what wasn’t his? Would he force me as the others had done? Would he fuck me and then choke me until I died? Would I be nothing more than a fucked and strangled captive—cold, dead, forgotten?

He loosened the belt a little more, this time allowing me to wheeze and gasp. The burn of my lungs eased with every inhale, and the shadows disappeared from my vision. I could breathe—though uncomfortably.

“So will you ever try to escape again?” he asked as he crashed the palm of his hand against my bare behind. “To leave and face the dangers that are far worse outside these walls?” He continued to spank my buttocks, the loud sound of flesh hitting flesh echoing against the walls of the room.