Using my grip on his hips, I pulled forward. My body floated toward his. I forced his cock deep, but I couldn’t take it. My stomach clenched. I started to gag as his shaft pressed against the back of my throat. The bottom of my tongue was scraped raw by the sharp edges of my teeth. In a panic, I tried to push off.

Magni placed his hand against the back of my head and pushed me the final few inches. I tried to scream around his cock, the sound only a few futile bubbles escaping the corners of my mouth. I could feel his shaft as it lodged down my throat column. His hips moved forward as my nose was crushed against his stomach.

Desperately, I started to kick and punch.

I was out of breath. My chest constricted.

At the last moment, Magni relented. Gripping my hair, he brought me to the surface. I clung to his shoulders as I sucked in air.

“Swallow it.”

Was all I heard before I was once again surrounded by the eerie, underwater silence. I couldn’t even hear my own screams. With a sob, I opened my lips and felt the hard length of his cock force its way into my mouth. Magni began to thrust his hips as I was forced to accept him deep down my throat.

After several thrusts, I was allowed to rise to the surface on my own.

The icy cold air tore at my sore throat as I heaved and sputtered.

His strong hands landed on my shoulders. This time, instead of forcing me under the water, he spun me around till my back was facing him.

His hands moved down my body before gripping my thighs just above the knees. Pulling up, he forced my feet out from under me. My body pitched forward. My arms flailed, splashing against the surface as I struggled to keep my head above the water. He pulled back on my legs till I could feel his hips between my thighs. My furious kicks did nothing to dislodge his skillful grip. I could feel the hard push of his cock along the seam of my ass.

My struggle intensified but with my legs forced to straddle his hips, I could not kick out. My body dipped below the surface of the water.

Once again, I felt his fist in my hair as his cock pushed against my still sore cunny. My body was floating straight out in front of his own. I could feel his free hand span my hip to steady me before his heavy cock thrust forward.

My scream was a cascade of bubbles as my arms struck and thrashed at the water.

My body burned as it struggled to accept the width of his cock. It felt like he was tearing me in two.

My head stung as he wrenched me above the water by my hair. My body bowed backward. As I sucked in a needed breath, the position forced my hips back, pushing his cock further inside of me.

He lowered me beneath the crystal blue surface again.

I no longer had the energy to struggle.

I gave in to the power of his grip.

My body floated free.

He began to fiercely pound into me, stretching my tight inner passage.

Then something shifted…changed.

The heavy, languid feeling of floating, of having my senses muted by the water, allowed me to truly experience every sensation. I could feel the rhythmic pace of his thrusts. His fingers as they dug into my flesh. The caress of the water against my skin.

My body started to respond as my mind began to lose its grip on reality. I felt lightheaded…dizzy and unfocused.

Still he thrust.

I opened my mouth as if to breathe but only experienced the slightly metallic taste of the mountain spring water.

The pain twisted and spun into pleasure as I felt dominated, overwhelmed. Magni controlled everything…the very breath in my body. The pressure began to build. I could feel it everywhere. In my lungs, between my legs. There was a rushing, pounding sound echoing in my ears which matched his thrusting cock. Everywhere there was pressure.

To find a release.

To breathe.

The very moment I felt as though death was upon me, Magni raised my body out of the water with a roar. His arm slashed across my front, holding me upright against his chest. My knees squeezed tightly into his sides. The pressure of my own weight forced my body down his shaft, fully impaling me on his cock.

The pleasure of air rushing into my body violently collided with the bliss of my release.

I wasn’t sure how long we remained intertwined within each other’s arms, but reality sank in when Magni wrapped my shaking body with fur as he held me close. It was not the cold air which caused me to shiver. I was struck dumb by the intensity of the experience. With my mind unable to cope or form the words for what had just happened, all the energy, all the anger, all the passion and fear left my body quivering in awareness.