What would he be like with his child? He had about two months to decide what type of father he would be.

‘Yes.’ He dropped the letter to the side and ran his fingers through his hair. ‘Everything changes now—you understand that?’

‘Nothing has changed. I knew what I agreed to.’

‘Good.’ Matt walked to the railing and looked up at the fading sky. There was still one thing he needed to know for sure. ‘Did you lie to me that night?’

‘No, I didn’t. It shouldn’t have been possible, but it happened.’

Remembering her sorrow, Matt accepted her answer.

‘It feels like the universe is laughing at me, that it would happen with you, and I’m sorry that it is. I know who you are, Matt, know what this must have looked like—but I’m also not sorry that I’m getting the one thing that I thought I’d been denied.’

A baby. His baby. His own flesh and blood. Vowing he would know everything about his child, protect them from every invisible threat, he set out to plan his next step with Hannah, because now they were bound together.


‘MATT, I DON’T need an ultrasound. I’m fine and so is the baby,’ Hannah argued.

‘Yes, that’s why you fainted,’ Matt said, deadpan. ‘I need you to do this. Please.’ Matt had stayed up for most of the night with his laptop perched on his lap, researching everything he could. He wanted to be well prepared for his baby’s arrival.

‘I want to know my baby like you’ve been allowed to.’

Every day of his life he dealt with facts. Whether those facts were problems or successes, he was able to deal with them because he knew exactly what to expect. It was what had made his tech company so successful and why it continued to grow. Right now, all he knew was that he was going to have a baby. It wasn’t acceptable.

‘You will, Matt, I promise; but I had my last ultrasound weeks ago. Everything is fine. Beyond fine.’ Despite arguing that this scan was unnecessary, Hannah slipped on her shoes to go.

‘If everything is fine, it should make no difference to you to have another.’

She rolled her eyes at him. ‘I miss laid-back Matt,’ she mumbled.

He placed his hand on her back and led her to the lift. ‘Laid-back Matt didn’t have a child on the way and a stubborn fiancée-to-be.’

* * *

Hannah shook her head but said nothing more. She had already had her moments of madness; Matt was owed his. So she would allow him this.

She felt lighter this morning. Matt having accepted the baby was his and that she hadn’t lied to him took a massive weight off her shoulders. It made her feel as if their arrangement was completely doable. After all, they liked each other and got along well enough. More importantly, they both understood that their child deserved their all.

When they walked into the parking garage, Hannah looked at his car and whispered under her breath, ‘Right.’ It had been low. Had it magically got lower? It seemed like it.

She went to open the door but Matt beat her to it. ‘I got it.’ Then his arms came around her and she had to try not to sigh at the feeling of being surrounded by him. His scent comforted and aroused her at once. Taking most of her weight, he smoothly helped her into the seat. She clicked the seat belt in place once he closed the door and, when he folded himself into the driver’s seat, he made sure the belts were secure.



He was fussing and it made her eyes fill with tears. She tried to look away so he wouldn’t see them but he did, as if he had a sixth sense when it came to her.

‘Hey, what’s wrong?’ He reached over, cupping her cheek, making her look at him.

‘Nothing. Hormones.’ She gave him a teary chuckle and he brushed the tears away with his fingers. Her body sparked at his touch. Somehow, in the seven months they had been apart, Hannah had forgotten how treasured he made her feel. ‘Drive or we’ll be late,’ she instructed.

‘We have time. Talk to me.’ His thumb brushed back and forth on her cheek.

The words fell out before she could stop them. ‘No one does anything like this for me. It makes me feel...special.’

Matt kissed her forehead. ‘I will always take care of you. No matter what.’