‘So stubborn.’ His lips quirked up. ‘I didn’t want them. That life wasn’t enough for me any more, not after I had a taste of what was real with you. I could see no one else since I saw you walk into that club. I’ve been in love with you since a small bar in a Melbourne alley, Hannah. I just didn’t know how to show it and then I made excuses to keep you in my life, but the truth is I can’t picture my life without you. You’re my missing piece, and I behaved abominably. I should have given you the chance to say goodbye to your life in Melbourne. To leave on your own terms.’

‘Why didn’t you?’ Hannah searched his face.

‘I was so desperate to have you in my life. I still am. I can’t let either of you go. You’re my everything. You both are. I love you so much, Hannah. Please, please forgive me.’

‘I can’t live my life wondering if you’re ever going to trust me with all of you. I won’t let myself be in the position where I could be left picking up the pieces of my life if you change your mind. I’m worth more than just settling for half a relationship.’

Matt took her face in his hands. ‘You’re right. You’re worth all of me, and more, and I’m promising that to you now. Every moment of every day you will have all of me. No more walls. No more masks. To prove it to you, I’m not okay. Letting go of what I was taught to be is hard, and I’m probably going to need time to work it all out. I feel like I’m standing on a ledge, terrified that I could be as bad a father as mine. Of disappointing you or our son.’ Matt closed his eyes and took a shuddering breath.

‘Then take my hand. Let me pull you back.’

‘I feel so selfish for wanting you to.’

‘It’s not selfish to want to lean on someone. To show your heart to them. That’s what a relationship is.’

‘I love you so much, Hannah.’

‘I love you too, Matt. I was scared to tell you.’ Tears streamed down her face.

‘Because I was an arse.’

Hannah laughed, a deep belly laugh that shook her shoulders. ‘Sarah said you would be.’

‘She knows me pretty well.’ He grinned. ‘We have so much to talk about, and I promise to tell you anything you want to know. I want to share everything with you. Tell me you want that too. There will only ever be you and, if you say no, I will wait all my life if I have to.’

‘I do. So much!’

And then Matt couldn’t help himself: he kissed her as if it was their last kiss and their first. As if she was the source of all life in his universe. As if she was all that kept the pieces of him together, because she was. As soon as his lips left hers, her hands were squeezing his again, her teeth clenched together tightly.

‘That wasn’t even five minutes.’

The words barely left his lips before a nurse was returning with a veritable army in tow. This was it. He was about to get the family he wanted.

* * *

Hannah was exhausted. Never in her life had she ever felt quite this tired before. Fatigue ran down into the marrow of her bones. She could barely keep her eyes open. She was sweaty, and her hair was a mess, but she couldn’t care less. Not when she was looking over at Matt, who held their baby boy in his arms with wonder on his face and tears in his eyes.

Oliver William Taylor.

The baby looked almost comically small against Matt. And yet, she had never seen a more perfect sight. She felt so buoyant, she was honestly not sure if she was tethered by gravity any more. Matt was smiling down at their little boy. Her Matt. He loved her. This amazing man was hers. And he’d been so vulnerable with her, trusting. The image of his tears was carved into her memory for ever.

As if he could sense her staring at him, Matt turned to look at her and smiled that smile, the one that shone like the sun. It blinded her and made her heart leap.

‘You did amazing,’ he said, happiness so clear in his voice. ‘I can’t get over how perfect he is.’

‘Careful or he’ll wrap you around his little finger,’ Hannah teased.

‘Too late for that.’ Matt laughed. ‘It’s to be expected, since his mother already has that power over me.’

‘Oh, really?’

‘Yes, and I sense it might only get worse.’

‘And why’s that?’ Hannah was smiling so much, her cheeks were beginning to hurt, but man it felt good!

She watched Matt reach into his pocket and pull out her ring.

‘I did this wrong before, but I want to make it right. I love you. I love you so much, sometimes I think it might break me. I promise to support you in the career you want to have or don’t want to have. Whatever you want and whatever you choose, I will be beside you, right in your corner. I need you in my life and promise to be everything you need too. Hannah Murphy, will you marry me and spend the rest of our days in that house that you redecorated so beautifully?’