Matt couldn’t stand here and tell her that he didn’t know how to be what she wanted—which was just himself—when she had seen the real Matt in Melbourne. That was who he was, not this person who hid his emotions.

Feeling bold, she took a step forward—just one—and placed her hand on his bare chest over his heart. Gazing into his eyes, she said, ‘Yes, you do, because all I want is you, but you’ve locked yourself away.’

Hannah saw the shift in his eyes, from apprehension to scorching heat, hands at his sides curling and uncurling into fists.

He took a small step towards her, and then another, closing the distance between them entirely. Hannah licked her bottom lip and his eyes darted to the movement before meeting hers once more. A warm finger curled under her chin, tilting up her head. She watched him lean closer until he was kissing her. Slowly. Gently. Thoroughly.

A jolt of electricity passed through her body, settling into a constant flutter in her belly. Matt was taking his time. The part of her that was still capable of thought was reminded of their first kiss—how deliberate that had been. But this one was different too. He’d been learning her, seducing her, with that kiss in the club. This was more. It felt as though he was worshipping her with his mouth, saying things with it he couldn’t say aloud.

She raised her other hand to his chest, wanting to grab hold, but there was no shirt, just planes of muscle. They were hard and comforting and so very Matt. His skin was growing hotter beneath her touch and all she wanted to do was hold onto to him so tightly.

He must have sensed it because he picked her up and sat her on the kitchen counter, moving to stand between her legs. His mouth never once left hers. Here, she was practically as tall as he was. She wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling his large hands on her sides. His thumbs caressed her belly and she could have cried.

His lips skated over jaw, down to her neck, and she threw her head back with a sigh.

‘I can feel your pulse racing.’ There was wonder in his voice. ‘My Hannah.’

He licked her there. Hannah’s whole body was on fire now and, when Matt’s mouth closed over the cotton fabric covering her sensitive nipples, she mewled. His tongue laved her, wetting the night dress she wore, until she felt she would come apart just from that. But he pulled away, only to press his forehead against hers.

‘The things you make me feel,’ he said under his breath. Hannah wasn’t sure she was meant to hear it.

‘You make me feel too, Matt.’

‘I’m sorry,’ he whispered.

‘I know.’

‘I need you, Hannah.’

‘Then have me.’ She was craving his touch so badly that if they stopped now she would likely expire. It was more than that. Last night she had realised how much she wanted Matt. How much she wanted him to love her back. And these touches made it feel so much as though he did that Hannah wanted to stay in this space. She had seen glimpses of the man she knew him to be over these last two months, had seen what they could be, and it made her want to stay.

Her breath left her in a giggle when he scooped her off the counter in a bridal carry, taking her into his room. Their cups of tea and coffee were long forgotten.

He set her on her feet only long enough to get rid of her night gown then laid her gently in the middle of his enormous bed. He removed his trousers and underwear then slid in beside her.

Hannah reached up and removed his glasses. ‘These things are unfair.’

‘Why?’ he asked with a frown.

‘Because you’re so damn beautiful, you don’t need to make me want you more.’ She huffed.

‘You think I’m beautiful?’ Matt smirked.

‘Shut up! You know you are.’ Hannah laughed, utterly connected to Matt right now...

* * *

The sound of her laughter would always be his favourite thing. Just hearing it did something to Matt’s heart.

How did I get so lucky? he thought to himself, seeing Hannah look at him the way she was doing.

Her touch in the kitchen had seared him right to his soul. She could see him, and it felt so damn good to be seen, but he still couldn’t let go. Love was a foreign concept to him. He didn’t know how to do it but this woman made him feel everything so intensely.

Like he did right now with her brown eyes that could hold a whole universe, fixed on him. Matt brushed her hair back, losing himself in her flame.

‘I know you are,’ he said, voice like gravel. He could do nothing but kiss her then. Every force on earth acted to pull him to her lips. He felt so out of control. He wanted to devour her, but at the same time to take his time. To make her feel treasured yet ravish her. So it was no surprise that he was trembling when he swept his tongue into her mouth and she moaned. Lips sliding against each other’s, heart hammering against his ribs, Matt skated his hand to her breasts, teasing her nipple with his thumb, so careful not to make it uncomfortable. Pleasure...this was all about pleasure. And trying to show her what she meant to him.

Satisfaction curled around his spine when she panted, her voice coming in broken little pieces. It wasn’t enough. Running his hand over her round belly, he moved lower still, hovering over her sex. Hannah was writhing below him. Trying desperately to reach his hand that he deliberately kept away from her.