After she’d left him on the terrace, he had contemplated going down to the gym to pummel the massive punching bag. Except he couldn’t leave the apartment. It would have felt too much like walking away from Hannah when her wounds had been reopened.

His perfect Hannah had turned herself into something else because of some arse who’d exploited her goodness and walked all over her. It had been then when Matt had understood her terms. She couldn’t allow herself to be pushed around by another man. And he had forced her hand, hadn’t he? Was he no better than...?

Travis. Matt felt ill when he thought of the name. He hadn’t suggested it with any seriousness in the car. He’d just carelessly tossed out a name. Then he had seen her face and instantly regretted it. How could he have known? It didn’t excuse him. If he had been taking the naming as seriously as he should have been when she’d brought it up, he wouldn’t even have said the blasted name.

Hannah never needed to be reminded of that again.

It was no surprise that she couldn’t trust. Tonight, though, she’d proved that she trusted him. Putting herself out there like that was the bravest thing he had seen. He knew what she was trying to do. Hannah was only trying to be there for him, and he’d pushed her away when she’d been vulnerable. He never remembered being such an arsehole before.

He needed to apologise—first thing in the morning, because it was late and she needed rest. Also, he couldn’t talk to her feeling like this. He needed to get himself under control. If he was being entirely honest, part of his anger was directed at himself for hurting her tonight. But she was asking for something he just couldn’t give her. All he wanted to do was to force away all the feelings from yesterday. Hannah already got more of him than anyone else. His mind drifted back to his last night in Melbourne and that night had proved as much. They had been so consumed by each other. They still were. All Hannah had to do was walk into a room to rob him of breath. She distracted him from work constantly, with his thoughts of how he had explored her body. Of what she would be doing. And he could see the attraction in her eyes when she looked at him.

God, that look.

Yes, they were still consumed by each other, but things were different now.

Still, the memory of that night played behind his closed eyelids...

* * *

A room away, Hannah lay in bed, thinking of the same night...

Seven months ago

Hannah had spent most of the day with Emma. Matt had wanted to spend time with Alex, and she understood. He had come all this way to see his friend until she had stolen him away. Hannah couldn’t bring herself to feel bad about it. Not when he was the only thing she could think about today. In twenty-four hours he’d be gone and she was trying not to fall to pieces. She missed him already. Stupid, really, because he hadn’t climbed aboard the plane yet. How could you miss someone who was still around?

It felt as if the first breath she’d taken that day was when the four of them met for dinner. She and Matt sat side by side, holding hands under the table all night. He barely looked at her and, when he did, despite the smile on his face his eyes seemed dull. She felt the same.

Trying so hard to be as ebullient as she was known to be, Hannah forced smiles and laughter, but inside she was crumbling. Matt’s hand gripped hers tighter, as if he would pull her into himself if he could. She wanted the world to disappear. Wanted to pause time so they could take something for themselves. Maybe live in that stationary moment for ever.

‘I’ll be home in a bit,’ Emma said when dinner was done, and she left with Alex. Hannah turned to Matt, not ready to say goodbye. She couldn’t.

‘Come with me?’ Matt asked her. His voice was low, cutting out, as if he couldn’t get it to work properly.

* * *

In bed now, Matt ran his fingers through his hair, folding his arms behind his head, his gaze firmly on the past...

* * *

Hannah’s hand was held tightly in his as they walked to a nearby hotel. He needed to be alone with her, have her all to himself. He didn’t want the distraction of friends or cats. It needed it to be just Hannah and him. Neither did he have the patience to make it back to her flat or Alex’s.

It barely took any time at all for him to get the key card to the last available room, a suite on the top floor. Maybe the universe was giving them a small gift.

In the lift, Matt didn’t kiss Hannah. He wasn’t sure he would be able to stop if he did. Instead, he pulled her against his body, resting his head on hers, inhaling her scent so he could commit it to memory. When they finally entered the suite, neither of them took the time to look around. It didn’t matter. They simply sat on the couch in silence for just a moment. This was breaking Matt apart.

‘Hannah,’ he said. It was one word, but it so honestly conveyed exactly what he felt: sadness at having to leave her; regret that they couldn’t be more; happiness that he found her at all.

He wasn’t sure who moved first, all he knew was that their lips met somewhere in the middle. He yanked Hannah over so she was straddling his lap. Aching to feel her closer, he held her against him, lips desperately moving over hers, swallowing every bitten-off sound that was driving him insane. He needed to feel her right now but there were too many clothes in the way.

‘Touch me,’ he whispered breathily against her lips, pleading, and she did. She made short work of the buttons and pushed his shirt and coat wide, exposing his body. Then her hands were on his face, scraping lightly against his jaw, and Matt’s eyes fluttered closed. Her fingers skated over his neck, and then every contour of his chest and stomach, and there was nothing. Nothing existed in this world except Hannah and her touch that was heating his skin and making his heart race.

Every thought was blown from his mind.

It was as if she was forcing her fingers to remember every bit of him and Matt understood that. His every sense was focussed on her. On the sounds of appreciation for his body. On the scent of her hair, her skin, her arousal tinting the air. On the look on her face and the flame of her hair. His hands slid up her thighs...he’d never forget the silk of her skin. And then he kissed her and was consumed by her taste...sweet.

Matt was coming apart for her. He shrugged off his shirt and coat while Hannah moved off him, taking his trousers and underwear with, making his hardness spring free. She settled between his bare feet, taking his length in her hand, licking him from base to tip. He couldn’t take it any more. He missed her lips on his and pulled her up, kissing her hard, but she pulled away, shucking off her clothes while never once taking her eyes off him.

He held his breath as she climbed on him once more, holding herself just above his hardness.