Hannah was deep in thought, figuring out how she would tell him the hardest story in her life, when he presented her with a burgundy box.

‘What’s this?’ She placed her drink on the table beside them before picking up the box that obviously held a piece of jewellery.

‘A reminder.’ Matt’s deep voice reverberated through her.

A click sounded loudly in the still night. ‘Matt...’ Hannah breathed. Sitting on the black velvet cushion within the box was a stunning pendant. A white-gold, diamond-encrusted teardrop that surrounded a rose-gold flame inlaid with pink diamonds. It was beautiful, elegant. She was staring at the exquisite piece when Matt’s hands plucked it out of the box.

‘When you wear this, I want you to remember who you are, Hannah. You’re a flame. Never hide it.’ He fastened it around her neck, gently pulling her hair out from underneath the chain, sending goose bumps racing along her skin. Fingers tracing the shape, Hannah didn’t know what to say.

‘I love it,’ she managed, touched beyond measure.

‘I’m glad.’ His breath caressed her ear.

Matt made her feel safe and protected, strong enough to be herself. She was more determined than ever to get him to open up.

‘I really enjoyed meeting Sarah.’ Hannah clasped the pendant firmly in her hand.

‘Thank you for not hiding who you are. I know you would have thought about it.’

Hannah huffed out a laugh, unsure about how to respond. Of course, she’d thought about it. It was how she dealt with the world. Naturally, Matt saw that. He saw everything about her because she didn’t need that mask around him.

‘You’re perfect as you are,’ Matt said, kissing her head.

‘No, I never was,’ she said in small voice. Yes, she had decided to share this story with Matt. It didn’t make it any easier to say.

He looked at her then. Hannah knew he would see apprehension in her eyes. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Back in Melbourne you said I wear a mask and you were right. You saw right through it. Nobody else ever had.’

‘I was looking.’

‘You were.’ Hannah took another sip, steeling herself to say the rest. ‘I had to wear it. I needed it.’

‘Why?’ Matt took her drink from her, placing his and hers on the nearby table. She let him. She also let him pull her across his lap, tucking her head against his neck. Sitting like this brought back memories.

‘When I was young we didn’t have much, but I had the best family, and then I met Emma, which I wouldn’t have if it weren’t for the scholarship that made attending the same school possible. That was hard, being the ordinary kid when everyone else was so vastly wealthy. I didn’t belong in their world.’

Hannah didn’t want to linger on the bullying. It didn’t mean much to her any more. ‘I pretended like it never bothered me, which was easy when I was so reserved. I could go home and be myself around my parents and Emma.’

Hannah hazarded a quick glance at Matt, who was sitting very still, refusing to interrupt.

‘Then, towards the end of uni, I met someone. He was funny and popular. For some reason he was interested in me. I didn’t understand why at the time. I was quiet—I loved being on my computer more than socialising—but he still asked me out. It was flattering, you know? My parents had died in an accident not long before and I was vulnerable.’

Hannah played with a button on her dress. She didn’t realise she was doing it until Matt’s thumb stroked her fingers. ‘We went out for a long time. I was certain I would marry him; I mean, I loved him with my whole heart, and he said he loved me. After we graduated, he pushed me to accept a job at a much more prestigious company than his, but he said he was happy for me. In fact, I thought he was going to pop the question soon after.’

‘What happened?’ Matt’s voice had grown low. It resonated through his chest into hers.

‘He broke me,’ she all but whispered. ‘He often worked late or had to travel out of town. I trusted him implicitly so I never thought to question it. Turns out he wasn’t travelling at all. One time, I had forgotten something at his place and, since I had a key, I went in. I don’t think he ever expected me to use it. I knew he didn’t like anyone going in when he wasn’t there. Except he was...with another woman. She was pregnant, Matt.’ Her voice cracked despite how hard she tried to remain strong.

Matt’s arms tightened around her. ‘Hannah.’

‘You know what he said when I confronted him?’


‘“Did you really think you would be enough for me?” I gave him all my trust and he shattered it.’ Hannah felt the growl that came from Matt.

‘I don’t understand.’