
‘I haven’t been with anyone since you,’ she promised.

‘Neither have I. Are you sure?’ He needed to know that she was certain. The last time, neither of them had stopped to think about what they were doing. The consequences of that was what had led to this moment and it wasn’t as if she could get more pregnant. Still, he had to make sure. For his sake as much as hers.

‘Yes. I want to feel you.’ And, by God, he wanted that too.

Strong arms pulled her to the edge of the bed and he hooked one of her legs around him. Slowly he sunk into her, and he didn’t know if the long-drawn-out moan had come from him, her or both of them. All he knew was every memory of being inside Hannah was crashing around him. This...his was the pleasure he’d ached to feel for all this time.

He pulled his hips back and thrust forward.

‘Matt,’ Hannah moaned, making every hair on his body rise. His lips pressed against hers, sliding them against hers. Their tongues entwined. The bitten-off noises she made were driving him absolutely wild. With Hannah, he could never have enough of this.

* * *

Electrified. That was how Hannah felt. Every nerve ending sparked like a naked wire. Matt’s lips were tracing a current to her jaw and down to the sensitive point where her neck met her shoulders. His tongue tasted the skin there and she thought she would combust.

‘Matt...’ It was a plea; she wasn’t sure for what. More, maybe—more of all of this. His answering low groan made pleasure roll through her. But it wasn’t just the sound that answered her. His hips did too, slamming into her powerfully. Rough moans and harsh breaths filled the space between them as they climbed together.

Hannah felt like a band stretched too taut. Her heart was racing. Her skin was covered in sweat. She arched towards him and Matt caught her against him, driving them further to the edge until undiluted pleasure snapped through her in a husky sob that toppled Matt into his own release and, slumping over her with a grunt, he caught himself on his forearms.

Blond hair stuck to his forehead. Beads of sweat clung to his skin. This man stopped her heart. Raising her fingers to his cheeks, Hannah kissed him. She poured every ounce of what she had felt over the last seven months into that kiss: the missing him, craving him and fearing he would turn her away. Wanting to hear his voice but too scared to call.

When she finally broke the connection of their lips, she found him staring at her, but couldn’t tell what he was thinking. It was as if all that rawness they’d just experienced was now locked away.

She couldn’t think of it now. Not when he was still buried within her silken depths. Not after he had kissed her tummy so tenderly. Soft lips brushed against her forehead and then she was being lifted up and placed between soft sheets.

A hard, warm body slid in behind her, pulling her against his chest. The last thing she felt was a kiss on her hair before her eyes fluttered closed. She’d think about all of this tomorrow.


COLD SHEETS GREETED Hannah as she turned over. Opening her eyes, she found herself alone in the room. It was not hers but Matt’s. That was right, he had held her until she’d fallen asleep. Last night coming back to her in a steady stream, she sat up in bed, running her fingers though her hair. They’d had sex. And it had been incredible.

She tried to quell the disappointment of not waking up with him next to her. She had no idea what time it was. Pretty late, judging by the muted grey light filtering through the gauzy curtain beyond the bed. The sky looked ominous. Part of her felt it was a sign after the incredible night she and Matt had shared.

She shook her head. That was ridiculous. She was in London—it rained here. Nothing more than that.

Hannah swung her legs off the bed, wrapping the sheet tightly around herself, when she heard movement at the door.

‘You’re up,’ came Matt’s bright greeting. Sweating and dressed only in shorts and trainers, his closed off expression after she had kissed him last night came to mind. Not knowing what that meant just yet, Hannah didn’t respond. ‘Good. You better get dressed. I have something to show you.’ He placed a cup of peppermint tea on the bedside table.

‘Thank you.’ She picked up the steaming vessel, bringing it to her lips.

‘Be careful, it’s hot.’

She made an exaggerated motion of blowing the surface before taking a small sip, hiding her little smile. ‘What do you want to show me?’

‘That,’ Matt said, leaning down to kiss her forehead, ‘is a surprise.’

He disappeared into his bathroom and she heard the shower turn on. Thinking this was as good a time as any to make her escape, Hannah went to her room, showering and dressing as quickly as possible. She was ready at the same time as Matt and, after a hasty breakfast, he drove them to an upmarket suburb.

The houses here were much larger, the cars fancier. On the way here, she’d recognised some of the major landmarks they’d passed from a trip she had taken with Emma during their semester break at uni. It felt like such a long time ago. Everything was different now, most especially her.

Back then, she’d still been quiet Hannah. A person who’d thought softness was treasured. That was before her heart had been broken and she’d no longer been willing to trust a person just because they said nice things.

‘Are we there yet?’ she said, shaking off the memories.

‘Almost.’ Matt took a turn down a tree-lined street full of expensive-looking townhouses. He pulled up in front of a four-storey building with a white stone exterior on the bottom floor and exposed brick on the other three. It had quaint little Juliet balconies on several of the windows.