‘I know.’ There was a pause on the line. ‘You sound off. What’s wrong?’

Matt was quiet for a long moment. How much should he tell her? She should at least know that she was going to be an aunt.

‘I’m going to be a father,’ he eventually said.

‘Oh, Bear, I’m sorry.’

Sarah knew better than anyone that he’d never wanted a family. Not with the childhood they’d had. Not when there was the possibility that the mother of his children could end up like his own.

Matt was quiet for a moment. ‘I’m not. Does that shock you?’

When Sarah answered, he could hear the smile in her voice. ‘Not even a little.’


‘No. My brother is the best guy I know. You should have seen the way he took care of me. Scared a few dates too.’

‘Sounds like a tosser.’ Matt smiled despite himself.

‘Eh, he has his moments.’ She laughed. ‘Bear, you were always there for me. You took care of me even though you were a kid too. You have so much love in you; I know you’ll be a good father. Always have.’

‘Should I rewind this conversation to your sympathy when I told you?’

‘Because that was never what you wanted for yourself, and I’d never push you. I think you’ve had enough of that. But I know this can’t be the only thing weighing on you. Talk to me, Bear.’

Matt was never more grateful that she knew him so well. When he opened his mouth, everything came flooding out—from Hannah walking into his office to their getting ready for the gala, their first appearance together.

‘I’m glad she talked you down from marriage. Just remember that the baby isn’t the only important person in this. You have feelings too. You both do.’

‘I’m not giving her false hope. But my child will grow up with both his parents. Like we did.’

‘You don’t want them growing up like we did. At least we had each other,’ Sarah said. ‘Just be careful. That’s all I’m asking.’ There was no judgement in her voice. It was one of his favourite things about his sister—no matter what he did, she would be in his corner, just as she knew he would be in hers.

‘I will be.’

‘And I know you’re mad at Alex right now, but it really wasn’t his place to say anything. You know that, right?’

Matt hadn’t spoken to his best friend in days. Not since Hannah had arrived. And he certainly didn’t want to hear why his friend hadn’t been able to tell him. Knowing that he could have felt what he did now for his child months ago was a tough pill to swallow. Especially when one of the people who had known was supposed to have his back.

‘Bear, you there?’

‘I don’t want to talk about Alex.’

‘Okay,’ Sarah allowed. ‘You know, there’s a few good things about this whole situation.’

‘Oh? What’s that?’

‘Firstly, you can stop using me to hide from the society vamps...’

He laughed softly, pressing the phone to his ear.

‘And, secondly, I get a nephew in a couple of months!’ Sarah squealed with excitement. ‘That isn’t much time to prepare but we’ll figure it out.’

‘He’s not even born yet and you’re already planning on spoiling him.’

‘Of course! That will be my job as the cool aunt. Oh, and you have to bring Hannah out here.’

‘We’ll see.’