London was a blur Hannah didn’t then have the capacity to notice. She tried to close her eyes and keep everything she was feeling at bay. It was like trying to hold a tidal wave back with nothing but a fence—impossible.

Damn hormones!

‘Hannah, are you okay?’

She swallowed hard. ‘Fine, it’s just been a tiring morning.’ Matt didn’t buy the lie; it was clear on his face but he didn’t push. Out of the corner of her eye she watched his gaze return to the road, taking the time to admire his profile—that strong jaw. The tousled hair that she wanted to run her fingers through now just as much as when she’d first met him.

He must have sensed her looking at him, because he gave her a smile at half-wattage, but it still made her tingle. How did he always do that?

‘We’ll stop by the hotel to fetch your things first.’

* * *

Matt waited for her with his nose buried in his phone. Hannah figured that he would try to get in as much work as possible after his day had most likely been derailed by her.

She walked into the bathroom and began shoving her cosmetics into a small vanity case when she caught her reflection in the bathroom mirror. There were dark rings under her usually bright brown eyes—evidence of how badly she had been sleeping. It was a struggle to find a comfortable position and, when she did find one, her over-busy mind would run through her situation with Matt and everything she needed to get done.

Her eyes drifted down to her rounded belly and she curled her arms around herself. Despite everything else going on, this little bundle inside her made her happy. It was a happiness unlike anything she had felt before, a fierce love. This baby was a miracle—her miracle. Even so, she no longer felt attractive.


‘I’ll be there in a moment.’ She hastily put away the rest of her things and tried to leave the bathroom just as Matt appeared in the doorway. Face to face, barely a breath between their bodies, he towered over her. She watched as his hand lifted, coming to rest on her cheek. His head dipped lower almost imperceptibly but she felt it, as if a piece of herself was reaching out.

‘You were taking a while. I got worried,’ he said, voice low and soft.

‘I was just getting my things,’ she replied breathily. His eyes were fixed on hers as if he was looking deep into her soul. She wanted to feel that gaze all over her. Then she remembered what his dates looked like and it felt as though someone had tossed a bucket of ice on her head. She pulled away first and watched him slowly drop his hand.

‘I suppose you would like to get going.’

‘Whenever you’re ready.’ He stepped away, allowing her to walk past him.

She shoved the vanity case into her suitcase and shut the lid, doing a quick sweep of the room to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything, then made to heave the bag off the bed, but Matt nudged her aside. He took hold of the handle, placed the case on the floor as if it weighed nothing then wheeled it along behind him, permitting her only to carry her handbag. She had to admit, it felt good, being taken care of even if his concern was only for the baby.

* * *

‘We’re almost home,’ Matt informed Hannah.

She noticed the London Eye looming above them as he turned into the parking garage of his South Bank apartment building and brought the car to a stop in an empty bay.

‘Wait,’ he instructed when Hannah’s fingers curled around the door handle. She watched him walk round the car and open the door before scooping her up in his powerful arms, extracting her from within.

She opened her mouth, but didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing. As they finally rode up in the lift, she was completely wrung out. He’d saved her from the indecency of awkwardly having to get out of the car on her own. He’d brought her to his home so she would be safe and, more than ever, the guilt of keeping the news from him ate at her. She knew this agreement was his idea, but that didn’t make her feel any better.

After a ride that seemed to take for ever, Hannah and Matt stepped out of the lift and inside his apartment. He led her down a long passage that had two doors and took her into the first one.

‘That’s my room down there. I want you as close as possible.’ It seemed as if he wanted to say more. She couldn’t imagine what that could be.

The room was magnificent. Her hotel room had had nothing on this—not the view, the immense bed or the en suite bathroom that was a mix of dark marble and glass.

Matt sat her on the bed then wheeled her suitcase into the walk-in closet, disappearing for a moment.

‘If you need anything, I’m just down the passage. Make yourself at home.’

It was her home—temporarily at least. And this was her own room. She should have been happy but all she could think of was how this beautiful room was for her alone. They would be engaged and living separate lives. Yet Matt wanted her to see what they could be. How could they do that if they spent their time apart?

She could see the future clearly in that moment. They would be a family, a convenient one. Hers would be a role played.

‘Thank you, Matt,’ she said from the bed.