I lay naked atop the silk covers. My thick thighs rustled the expensive sheets. Rough hands teasingly toyed with my full, pert breasts. I groaned and arched into his touch. It was so deliciously enticing, so wonderfully torturous. I wanted more touch. I craved for him to be inside me, taking me with unbridled passion. Every fiber of my being begged for him to make me his own, to do with me what he wished.

"Please. . ." I murmured.

"Do you want the potatoes or the salad?" a shrill voice intruded on my dreaming.

I started back, and the world around me came back into focus. I wasn't in the arms of a gorgeous lover, but was instead standing in the line of the cafeteria located in the office building I worked at. In front of me stood one of the imposing cafeteria ladies, and before her were two trays. One had mashed potatoes, and the other salad.

"Huh?" was my intelligent reply.

"Did you want potatoes, salad, or both?" she growled at me.

"Oh, um, potatoes-er, salad," I told her. She plopped a skimpy serving of salad on my plate that would have disappointed a rabbit and turned to the person who stood beside me.

That was my best friend, Carin. She was another slave to the office system, but one who took it with a lot more spirit. Her eternal optimism was for me a source of exasperation and admiration. Only Carin could walk into the office at eight in the morning with a smile on her face and a hello on her lips. Everybody else shuffled in with a look of homicide in their eyes and a snarl on their lips.

"Potatoes, please," she requested of the cafeteria woman. The behemoth smiled at my cheerful friend and slopped a large helping of the mush onto her plate.

We turned away from the line of food and to the register. I glared at her potatoes. "How do you do it?"

"Do what?" she asked me.

"Get away with murder without actually murdering someone."

She sheepishly grinned and shrugged. "I guess I miss a lot and the person just kind of accidentally falls down the stairs."

"Uh-huh, and that's how you get away with murder, by acting all innocent," I playfully accused her as we slid into one of the dreary metal tables with the plastic white top.

The cafeteria around us was the typical white-painted affair with shining floors waxed to a homicidal finish and round tables spaced at intervals so nobody could talk with anybody at any other table unless they were really, really desperate for a conversation. The cafeteria was located on the fourth floor of a forty-floor building and had a passable view of the busy street below. Large windows showed the weather was a touch frosty with a chance for more snow on top of the piles built up on the sidewalks and in the alleys.

"So what were you thinking about?" Carin wondered.

I choked on the mouthful of salad I'd just stuffed into my mouth. "W-what?" I sputtered.

"I was wondering what you were thinking about in line. You know, when the lunch lady asked you what you wanted," she persisted.

I swallowed hard. The salad slid down like water-logged kelp. "Um, nothing."

She smiled and a mischievous twinkled slipped into her eyes. "Nothing?"

"Y-yeah. I like to shut down my brain for a couple hours a day. I was just-um, just had bad timing." Wow, if there was ever a lamer excuse I wouldn't have believed it.

"Are you sure you weren't thinking about better things?" Carin wondered.