Page 43 of Erotic Research

“You’re the President,” she said before inanely adding, “of the freaking United States.”

“Not yet,” he replied and she raised her eyebrows at the preposterousness of his comment.

“Tom,” she started before catching herself. “I mean Evan—”

“No,” he interrupted. “It’s Tom. Always Tom to you. Noelle, if you’ll just give me a minute to explain—”

“I think it’ll take more than a minute, Running Man,” she interjected.

“I suppose it will.” He shrugged and responded to her comment regarding his screen name. “Dammit, I feel like I’ve been running forever.”

“And here I thought you picked that name because you were an Arnold fan, not because you were running for office.”

He laughed. “Well…”

She groaned. “Oh, hell, Arnold’s a Republican too.”

“Noelle,” he said, “before we get into any of this hard stuff, I want to ask you a question.”


“Why did you come here this weekend?”

She was taken aback for a moment, and then she considered her answer. “I wanted to meet you, be with you.”

He moved closer, pulling her toward him with firm hands on her hips. “Be with me how?”

Her gaze drifted to his lips and she knew the answer he was searching for. She raised her hands to his handsome face and smiled. “If you’re asking me if I was considering having sex with you, I was.”

He chuckled before leaning down to kiss her again. She suspected he’d meant to offer her a light, friendly buss, but once their lips met, the intent changed as their hunger, their instant attraction sparked once more. For several moments, they gave themselves over to the sheer joy of kissing, touching, holding each other.

She pulled away after a moment to catch her breath. “God, Tom. I didn’t realize— I didn’t know it would be—”

“So potent?” he asked.

“We just met.”

“We’ve know each other for a year. I know you better than the people I see everyday at work.”

“This is crazy. You’re the president.”

“No one knows I’m here and I’ve moved heaven and earth to protect your anonymity. Trust me. I was hoping we could pretend we’re two normal people celebrating the holiday together. Noelle, I promise you, this doesn’t have to be anything more than a stolen weekend—a chance for us to meet face to face. We can worry about the rest of it later.”

“The rest is sort of big,” she mumbled and he laughed.

“The rest is gigantic, but I honestly don’t think I can wait another minute to get you naked and into bed.”

Noelle reached up to run her fingers through his hair. “Naked sounds good.”

Tom pulled her sweater over her head. “Yes, but it looks even better. Where’s the bedroom?”

She gripped his silk tie in her hands and pulled him toward the bedroom, marveling at her ease with him. Her body had shifted into overdrive the moment she saw him and nothing short of a hard bout of sex would relieve it. She led him to the bed, before turning and loosening the knot. She pulled it off and started to drop it, but Tom grasped her wrist to stop her.

“Put it on the bed,” he whispered. “I may want to tie you up with it later.” A soft moan crossed her lips at the thought and he smiled seductively. “You’re so beautiful.”

He bent toward her, taking her lips in a possessive kiss, both of them succumbing to the incredible lust, the desperate need to claim one another. She fought with the buttons on his shirt and considered ripping the damn thing off. He unzipped her skirt, hastily shoving it and her panties over her hips. She kicked them off along with her shoes as they both reached for the fastening on his dress slacks. As they continued to undress each other, their lips devoured every bit of bare flesh they could find. Tom’s lips explored the contours of her neck while she nipped at his shoulder.

“Need you. Want you,” she muttered when his hands unsnapped her bra, pulling the lacy material away. He dropped it, and then gripped her breasts firmly, kneading the aching flesh. She cried out when his lips lowered, taking her tight nipple into his mouth and sucking hard. Over and over, he teased the sensitive flesh until she thought she’d go mad with want.