Page 3 of Erotic Research

“Stop! No,” she yelled. Surely Ross or someone from the party would hear her if she screamed, and come to investigate. How embarassing. However, her stomach roiled at the thought of this man touching her in any intimate way. Mortified or not, she needed help.

Before she could make a sound, a familiar, beloved voice came from the doorway. “I believe the lady said no.”

Julia had never heard Ross’s voice so quiet or menacing. Scott immediately jumped off her and the bed, turning to face his boss.

“I think you misunderstand, Mr. Phillips,” Scott began. “We were just playing. She likes it rough, pretends to struggle, you know how it is.”

“Is that true, Julia?” Ross looked at her for the first time since entering the room. She felt herself blushing as she attempted to cover herself with the remains of her shredded blouse, pulling down her skirt at the same time. Both acts were futile—her hands had chosen that exact moment to begin shaking uncontrollably.

“Good God, no, Ross,” she gasped. “He’s a pig.”

No sooner had the words passed her lips before Ross crossed the room and punched Scott harder than Julia ever imagined a man could. Scott’s eyes rolled up into his head as he fell like a sack of potatoes.

“K.O.,” she whispered, spellbound by Scott’s still form on the floor.

Ross stepped over the unconscious accountant before kneeling at Julia’s feet.

“Are you okay?” His voice was so kind and full of concern that Julia felt the dam give way as she fell into his embrace, the shock of the moment evaporating, replaced by delayed terror.

“Oh God,” she sobbed as Ross rocked her gently in his arms, whispering soothing words. Her tears flowed, her teeth chattered and her shaking seemed to go on forever. After several long minutes, she struggled to catch her breath before speaking.

“How did you know I was in trouble?” she whispered.

“I’d heard some unsavory rumors about Jenkins around the office. I’ve been keeping an eye on the two of you all night. Unfortunately, I was detained for a few minutes and when I got back, you and Jenkins had vanished. Did he force you here?” His face was flushed and his own hands were unsteady as he reached for the bedquilt and tightened it around her shoulders, studying her face intently.

At her embarrassed blush, she sensed the anger in him begin to rise again as he noticed the red handprint across her left cheek. Taking her chin in his fingers, he turned her face to look at it more closely. The menace she felt building in him seemed almost tangible as he glanced back down at Scott, still prostrate on the floor.

Before he could inflict further pain on the asshole accountant, she muttered, “No, he didn’t force me. I—I mean, he— God, I came here on my own.” Dear Lord. She’d almost willingly let Scott have sex with her.

“I’m taking you home,” Ross said stiffly as he rose and began setting her clothing to rights. Shame suffused her body—Ross was obviously disgusted by her and her actions.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“What?” Ross knelt beside her again, pulling her blouse closed and securing it as much as possible, despite the fact several buttons were missing. “What do you have to be sorry for?”

Julia’s humiliation came back tenfold as Ross efficiently re-dressed her, gently holding her ankles as he slipped her heels back on her feet. Feeling like a child, she said, “I’m an idiot. I thought he was a nice guy. You must think I’m the biggest fool in the world.”

“Oh, Jules, of course I don’t think you’re a fool. I think you’re a sweet, trusting woman who had a little too much to drink. Perhaps you were a bit naïve, but you’ve never been a fool. The fool was me for leaving you unprotected. I knew what kind of man Jenkins was. I should have yanked you away from him the second I saw the two of you talking. I just didn’t think he’d try anything at a work function.”

Julia looked at Ross and trembled at the anger she saw lurking in his eyes.


“Hush, no more words. You look wiped out, Brown Eyes. I’m taking you home.”

Julia smiled at this new endearment before realizing she truly was exhausted. Her eyes began to drift closed before another thought opened them again.

“What about Bridget?”

“She’s a big girl. She can find her own way home.”

“She’ll be pissed off,” Julia muttered, again fighting back sleep.

“That seems to be one of her two permanent states.” Ross gently lifted her into his arms and carried her across the room as if she weighed no more than a mere babe.

“What’s the other state?” she asked groggily.

“Horny. Go to sleep, Jules. I’ll take care of everything.”