Page 23 of Erotic Research

“Yep, but it’s probably better to attack it in small increments or I’ll never be able to find my way to the woodpile. I’d hate for the heat to go out and us to be digging through three feet of snow looking for firewood. Besides, you know me. I can’t stand to be stuck inside with nothing to do.”

Julia’s cheeks flushed as she glanced toward the bed, betraying her thoughts. Much to his chagrin. His cock was actually sore from the workout they’d been giving it.

“Besides that. Dammit woman, but if you don’t stop looking at me like that, you’ll find yourself on your back with your ankles around your head. And as much as I’d love that, there are limits to even my sex drive. Have mercy on an old man. You’re about to cripple me.”

She grinned at his comment. “You’re only thirty-five.”

“And feeling every minute of it. What I wouldn’t give to be twenty years old right now.”

* * *

Fifteen minutes later, Julia glanced out the window to admire the strength in Ross’s arms and back as he easily shoveled the heavy snow off the path leading from the cabin to the woodpile.

Sighing, she silently chastised herself for missing him. “My God,” she whispered, “he’s only thirty feet away! Get it together, Julia.”

It would do her absolutely no good to become romantically infatuated with Ross. He was a confirmed bachelor, a love-’em-and-leave-’em kind of guy. She had to hold onto that thought before she found herself giving him something she swore she’d never give anyone—her heart.

The rest of the day passed in quiet solitude. They’d both decided that since clothing was a necessity for working in the snow, she should also be allowed to cover up. Ross gave his grumbling consent and let Julia put on her work outfit—warm fleece lounge pants and a T-shirt.

He came in twice to add more wood to the pile inside the cabin and to warm his numb fingers around the steaming cups of hot chocolate Julia made, before venturing back out into the freezing elements. Unfortunately, the path he’d shoveled was already covered again with a thin crust of snow.

After dinner, they lay together on the soft bearskin rug. Ross put a CD in the player and the soft sounds of Tom Waits’s album Closing Time lulled them peacefully toward sleep.

Ross broke the silence by finally asking her the question she’d been waiting for all afternoon. “How’s the writing coming?”

“Fine.” For the first time in her life, she found her words failing her. Fact was, all she’d done was put together a diary of sorts. She should be developing her characters and plot, but instead all she could do whenever she sat in front of the computer was recollect the power of Ross’s touch, the incredible feeling of him as he thrust deep inside her, the magic of each orgasm he’d given her.

What would he think if he knew she’d spent nearly two hours this afternoon describing every feature, every nuance of his body in minute detail?

“Need to do more research?” he asked mischievously.

“Maybe. What did you have in mind?”

“Have you ever given a man a blowjob?”

Red-hot embarrassment raced through her body. Just when she thought he couldn’t shock her anymore.

“Well, I—I mean, I—” she stammered. “Oh hell, no, but I’ve always wanted to.”

The silence in the cabin was rocked by Ross’s spontaneous laughter.

Hurt by his response, Julia started to rise. She had told him she wasn’t very experienced, but she didn’t need him to ridicule her for it.

“No,” he said, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her back down to him. “I’m not laughing at you. Christ, Jules, you have no idea, do you?”

“I told you before I didn’t. Now let me go. This isn’t funny.”

“That’s not what I meant,” Ross replied. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I know you’re inexperienced and I don’t think that’s funny. Hell, it’s a crime. A sexy woman like you. No, what I meant is you have no idea how adorable you are. After all that we’ve done, the fact that you can still blush like a teenager when I ask a simple question—”

“A simple question? You use the term ‘blowjob’ in a sentence like it’s a commonplace topic of conversation.”

“You’re writing an erotic novel. It better become comfortable dialogue to you as well. Besides, I wish you’d told me about this deep, dark desire of yours to give a blowjob. I would’ve been happy to oblige you years ago.”

Julia acknowledged Ross’s jest for what it was—harmless—and smiled at him. Besides, he’d called her sexy and adorable—all in the same breath.

“Who said I wanted to give one to you?” She could tease him as easily as he did her.

“And who in the hell’s cock have you been fantasizing about sucking?”