Page 20 of Erotic Research

Taking a deep breath, she smiled for the first time since waking up, relinquishing the reins to Ross. Truth be told, she couldn’t wait to see what he had planned next.

“Okay, Mr. Phillips,” she teased. “You win. Big surprise there. Have you ever lost?”

Grinning, Ross stood and walked around the table.

“Nothing that really mattered,” he answered, kneeling beside her. “Now, how about actually eating that food, rather than pushing it around the plate?” He winked at her. “I wasn’t joking about needing sustenance for later.”

Picking up her fork, he fed her nearly everything on the plate until she finally pushed the dish away. “Enough or I won’t be able to get up from the table. Hey,” she said, sudden realization dawning, “I didn’t know you could cook.”

“Just breakfast—bacon and scrambled eggs. And, sadly, I didn’t bring enough of that for every meal. Looks like we’re going to have to stumble our way through the rest of the meals.”

“I don’t suppose anyone delivers pizza all the way up here.”

“No. Not that anyone could get a car up here in that blizzard if they did.” He gestured toward the window as she stood.

“Oh no.” She squinted against the brightness of the thick blanket of snow covering the ground. “We’re going to be stuck up here for days.” Glancing up at the cloud-covered sky, she groaned. The snow was still falling in fat flakes, burying the porch of the cabin in deep drifts. “Maybe even weeks.”

Strong arms engulfed her as Ross’s lips grazed her ear. “I can think of worse things.”

“But won’t you get in trouble if you aren’t back at work?” Her heart raced as his hands left her waist to loosely cup her breasts.

“I own the company. I can come and go as I please. I told Max where I was going and that I might be gone for a while. He can hold down the fort until I return.” As he spoke, his fingers toyed with her nipples until they were both pebbled hard and incredibly sensitive. Each time he brushed the tips, the moisture between her legs increased until she squirmed to catch wayward drops that started sliding down her inner thigh.

“Ross,” she whispered, half protest, half plea.

“Ross, what?” His lips grazed the sensitive area at the nape of her neck as his fingers continued their magic on her breasts. Julia quivered at the sensations he aroused, until she surprised herself by responding to his question.

“More,” she demanded.

“Lean forward.”

She remained motionless, unsure what he meant until his hands left her breasts, pushing gently at her back. Before she realized his intent, her hard nipples pressed against the ice-cold glass of the window.

Gasping, she attempted to break away from his firm but insistent grip.

“It’s freezing.”

“Think how good it will feel when I warm them up again,” he replied, not releasing her.


“Beg me.”

“What?” she asked, uncertain she’d heard his terse order correctly.

“Beg me. Beg me for what you want.”


Ross pushed her harder against the glass, no longer chilling her nipples, but her entire breasts.

“Tell me what you want, Brown Eyes.”

“Let me loose,” she pleaded, no longer able to control the demands her body was making. “Take me in your mouth. Suck me hard. Make me hot again.” Still Ross didn’t release her. “Please!”

Suddenly, his hand at her back was gone. Julia turned in his arms. Raising her hands to his shoulders and then to his hair, she pulled his mouth to hers for a kiss. A kiss she commanded and controlled, her lips hard against his as she insisted upon entry, her tongue finding its way into the heat of his mouth.

While Julia directed the kiss, Ross took possession of her body. Swiveling, he pushed her to the bed. As soon as the back of her thighs touched the high mattress, he pressed her down, spreading her legs to stand between them.