Page 19 of Erotic Research

Ross was completely naked, except for an apron, cooking her breakfast. She had a perfect view of his bare buttocks and muscular back and she took advantage of it, admiring the scenery.

Faint scratch marks decorated both and she blushed, recalling how they got there. She never would have guessed sex could be so exciting, so amazing. She’d dreamed of sleeping with Ross a million times, but no fantasy could come close to the reality of last night. Now all she had to do was figure out where to go from here.

I had sex with Ross.

The thought was too preposterous to be believed. Her memories of the night flashed from remembered bliss to embarrassment to downright remorse.

“Shit,” she muttered.

Without turning, Ross said, “Forget about backing out. It’s too late.”


Loading two plates with food, he didn’t bother looking at her. “You’re trying to figure out how to salvage a friendship that’s not in danger. I can hear the gears in your mind churning from here.”

Glancing over his shoulder, he gave her a drop-dead-gorgeous grin. “I told you last night. We’re doing serious research and I haven’t even begun to do all the things I plan to do to you, so get your sweet ass outta that bed and come eat. You’re going to need your strength later.”

Julia caught her jaw before it fell completely open. Looking around the bed, she attempted to keep herself covered with the sheet while trying to locate her robe. It was gone.

“Uh-uh.” Ross shook his head as he watched her attempt at modesty. “No more clothes.”

“What?” Julia cried. “If you think I’m going to parade around this freezing cabin without anything on, you’re crazy.”

“It’s not freezing.” Ross gestured to his own state of near undress. “I’ve cranked the heat on high and built up the fire. If it gets much hotter in here, we’re going to have to open a window. Come on, Brown Eyes, I saw it all last night and the food’s getting cold.” With that, he removed the apron and took his own place at the table, acting as if it were perfectly normal to be eating bacon and eggs in the nude.

Julia’s rumbling stomach won the battle against her modesty as she slowly lowered the quilt and climbed off the huge bed. She kept her eyes averted as she made her way to the table, nearly stumbling over the chair in her efforts to rapidly sit and cover her lap with a napkin.

Ross’s deep chuckle raised her gaze and her temper at the same time.

“I want my robe,” she demanded.

“I want you,” he answered easily, seemingly immune to her anger.

Taken aback by the intense desire she saw in his eyes, Julia bit off her next remark and slowly picked up her fork.

Smiling at her acquiescence, Ross started to devour the huge pile of eggs on his plate like a starving man. The two of them ate in relative silence, although Julia could sense Ross’s gaze on her through most of the meal.

She wasn’t used to being with such a virile man—one who made no bones about his desires and who wasn’t afraid to take what he wanted. The men in her past had been gentle as lambs, often letting her dictate how the relationship progressed.

She felt out of her element with Ross, a man clearly used to being in charge. Quite frankly, she was surprised by how much she enjoyed his controlling presence. She’d always considered herself a modern, independent woman who had no use for a man in her life.

Who could have guessed she’d actually enjoy being ordered around in the bedroom?

The only problem she could see was facing what would happen when they left this cabin. The fact was she was an independent woman, one who refused to let herself be swept away in an ill-fated romance, especially to a player like Ross, who was a bad bet.

The last ten years as his best friend had proven he was unable to commit to any woman—and if she was being completely honest with herself, she was an even worse bet.

She didn’t want a relationship. Her heart couldn’t take losing someone she loved again. It had taken her years to recover from the loss of her parents. Even the mere thought of Duke’s death still tore her apart and he had been only a cat.

What would happen if she gave her heart to Ross and if, in his typical fashion, he broke it?

“Oh no,” he said lightly, as he finished the last piece of toast on his plate.

“Is something wrong?” Her own plate was still full of food.

“You’re thinking again. Jules. What do I have to say to make you understand this is okay? You and I—together like this. Hell, woman, it’s more than okay. It’s about damn time. Enough of this second-guessing and worrying. Trust me. Please.”

His voice was so earnest and his eyes so consoling, Julia felt her fears slipping away as easily as her clothing had last night. She trusted Ross completely and she wanted very much to continue “researching” with him. Time to put her fears and worries aside and live for the moment.