Page 82 of June Kisses

Sunnie, because she was contrary, ran her hand along the front of his jeans. “Bet that hurt.”

He narrowed his eyes, then pressed her hand more firmly against him, letting her know he was right back to the same place he’d been this morning when she left. “You have no idea. Hence the spanking.”

She laughed as they got into the elevator, the sound fading when he didn’t even crack a smile. “You’re joking about that, right?”

He shook his head. “Not even a little bit. Besides, I spanked you last night.”

“Those were swats in the heat of the moment,” she sputtered. “You can’t spank me like I’m some badly behaved child!”

“Of course I can. And believe me, the way I do it won’t make you feel like a kid.” He pressed her against the wall of the elevator, kissing her cheek, his breath hot in her ear when he said, “If I do it right, you’ll have your first orgasm that way.”

The elevator doors opened and Sunnie stumbled to his apartment, feeling drunk even though she’d only had a couple margaritas—and that had been two hours earlier.

Once they were inside, Landon grabbed her hand, dragging her to his bedroom at record speed as she giggled.

“Landon, it’s a marathon, babe. Not a sprint.”

He turned toward her once they were in his room, hands on his hips. “Pants off.”

Sunnie unfastened her jeans, sliding the zipper down slowly. Then she began to shimmy out of the denim, letting it slip over her hips one little inch at a time, grinning as she did so. She left her panties in place. Her sensual, slow striptease was driving him crazy.

Landon watched her through narrowed, hungry eyes. “Keep it up, Sunshine. It’s only adding to your punishment.”

She rolled her eyes—which turned out to be his breaking point.

“That’s it.”

Landon strode over, picked her up and tossed her onto her back on his bed. She barely had time to push up on her elbows before he had her shoes, jeans and panties tugged off.

“Give a girl a chance,” she protested, but Landon wasn’t in a patient mood. That point was driven home when he gripped one of her arms and flipped her to her stomach.

Sunnie tried to lift up, to crawl away, but Landon bent over her, his chest pressed to her back.

“Hold still,” he warned her.

Sunnie had never been particularly good at doing as she was told. Not that Landon was giving her much choice. The man was wicked strong. He stood again, one hand resting in the center of her back, holding her in place.

Then he spanked her ass, three rapid-fire and hard swats.


He repeated the action, and she tried once more to move away.

“Open your legs.”

Sunnie stilled.

“Sunnie,” he murmured, his voice almost a purr.

She parted her thighs, and he ran his fingers along her slit, from clit to ass.

“Oh God,” she whispered. “Yes.”

She lifted her hips toward him, but Landon pulled his fingers away, methodically spanking her a half dozen more times. Her ass felt like it was on fire, but it wasn’t exactly painful. It was… Sunnie struggled to figure it out.

It was something else entirely.

Something hot and sexy.