Page 78 of June Kisses

“No,” Landon said, patting her hand gently. “You’re too special. You’re going to find the perfect, nice,” he stressed, “guy. You’ll settle down and forget all about me. You might even think back on this night and realize you’d dodged a bullet.”

He didn’t admit that was how he felt now, about her decision to move to New York rather than remain in Baltimore with him. If she had, he’d never have opened his eyes and seen Sunnie.

“From your lips,” she said.

Landon lifted his pint, clinking it against her wineglass, then did what he’d wanted to do ever since sitting down.

He looked over his shoulder for Sunnie.

Chapter Seventeen

Sunnie emerged from the apartment, back into the pub, and glanced in Landon’s direction. He and Allison were still talking, then they clinked glasses. She was smiling.

Sunnie didn’t want to think about what that smile might mean.

She considered walking right over to their table, but paused briefly, trying to figure out what she would say. She’d royally screwed up this morning. It was going to take some finesse to get him away from Allison so she could fix that.

Glancing around the pub, she realized Pop Pop was at the bar—and he was looking at her.

She decided to go that direction first. Pop Pop gave great pep talks.

“Hey, Pop Pop,” she said, claiming the stool next to him.

He smiled at her. “You finally watched the video.”

She nodded. “Yeah.”


“And Landon loves me. And I love him. And I really fucking hate that he’s talking to Allison.”

“Language,” Pop Pop said, something she’d heard no less than a million times from him whenever she or Finn or Mom cussed.

She issued the obligatory “Sorry,” then continued, “Why do you think she’s here?”

“If she’s intelligent, and I believe she is, I’d say she’s come to ask Landon to take her back. I think she’s regretting letting him go to begin with.”

Sunnie sighed. “Yeah. That’s what I think too.”

“So, what are you going to do about it?”

“He’s mine. I’m going over there and getting him.”

Pop Pop lifted his pint glass. “That’s my girl. So what are you still doing over here?”

“I need advice.”

“Lass, it sounds to me like you’ve made up your mind.”

“Oh, not about that. I’m definitely staking my Landon claim. The question is…how? What do you think? Richard Gere style?”

Pop Pop chuckled. He was a sucker for a romantic comedy, a love he’d passed on to his granddaughters. Sunnie couldn’t count how many afternoons she’d spent with him—either in the living room or at the theater—watching everyone from Tom Hanks to Meg Ryan to Julia Roberts fall head over heels in love.

“I’m not sure where you’d find a limo and bouquet of roses at this time of night,” Pop Pop said.

“Good point. Of course, there’s always the Officer and a Gentleman route. I could go over there, pick him up and carry him out of here.”

Pop Pop pretended to consider her upper-body strength, then shook his head. “No. I think you and Landon have already had that moment.”