Page 74 of June Kisses

Sunnie nodded. “Yeah. You should know. You were there.”

“That’s the only time you saw the video? Jesus! No wonder you’re acting like an idiot. The second we get home, you’re going to go upstairs, alone, pull out your phone, turn off the stupid canned music in the background and watch the damn thing. Look at Landon. Screw your hair!”

“Pop Pop told me to do the same thing.” Sunnie didn’t point out that advice had come a few weeks earlier.

“And as always, Pop Pop was right. I can’t believe you didn’t listen to him.”

“I was scared,” Sunnie confessed. “I’m still scared.”

“Which is why we’re here,” Yvonne said, lifting her margarita. “We’re going to fortify you with a couple of these, then you can go home and watch the video.”

“Then you can find Landon and tell him you love him,” Kelli added.

“Just do me a favor?” Yvonne added.

“Anything,” Sunnie said, grateful for her cousin and Kelli. They had made everything so much better.

“Sleep at his place tonight.”

Sunnie laughed as she picked up a chip, dipping it into the salsa. Now that she had a plan, the appetite that had eluded her all day returned with a vengeance. “You got it.”

“Another round?” Kelli suggested.

Sunnie nodded. “And fajitas. I’m starving.”

Chapter Sixteen

Landon sat at the end of the bar with Miguel and Finn, watching the Orioles game. They’d been here all damn day. It was growing late, which meant that for the past two hours, he’d had one eye on the television and the other on the door.

He had spent the entire day trying to figure out what he’d say to Sunnie that might set her mind at ease, that wouldn’t cause her to freak out again.

Sunnie had told him countless times she wasn’t looking for a relationship, that she wanted to focus on her career. He respected that, but as far as he was concerned, she could have her career and him at the same damn time.

And that ridiculous list she’d rattled off this morning was full of nothing. Finn had already given his blessing, and Landon suspected—hoped—Aaron and Riley would do the same.

Which left the love part.

She’d never been in love, and he could understand why that might scare her. He’d seen honest-to-God panic in her eyes this morning and it had bothered him all day.


Landon turned at the sound of her voice, thinking he’d misheard. There was no way…

Allison stood behind him, smiling.


He stood up, giving her a hug, catching Finn’s shocked expression as Miguel mouthed The Allison? to Finn, who nodded just once. He and Miguel had been partnered up on the force a couple of months after Allison left town, so the two of them had never met.

“I stopped by your place but you weren’t there. I hoped I might find you here.”

“Why didn’t you call and tell me you were in town?” he asked.

“I wanted to surprise you.”

She’d done that. And not in a great way. Two minutes ago, he’d been wishing Sunnie would hurry up and get home. Now he was hoping he could buy a few more minutes.

She smiled and said hello to Finn, and he introduced her to Miguel, the three of them exchanging pleasantries as Landon tried to figure out how he could politely tell her this wasn’t a good time.