Page 69 of June Kisses

“None of that is what’s holding you back.”

She hated the assurance in his voice. God, it was almost smug. And why not? He knew her. He knew freaking everything about her. Even so, she longed to knock him down a peg. To prove that in this argument, she was right and he was wrong.

“Okay, Mr. Arrogant. Hit me with it. Tell me why you think I’m mad.”

“You’re afraid of falling in love, Sunnie. And that’s exactly what’s happened.”

She snorted, dismissing his assertion, even as she feared he might be right. She swallowed heavily, refusing to give him the point. “Get over yourself, Landon. It was only one night.”

And the most amazing sex on the planet.

He grinned. Stood there in the face of her panic, his dick rock-hard, and gave her the sweetest, most pure Landon grin in his arsenal.

“You’re insane,” she struck out. “This isn’t love. It’s lust.”

“Nope. It’s love.”

“You’re wrong. And I’m not doing this.”

He tilted his head. “Doing what, Sunshine?”

“Stop calling me that!” Her words came out much louder than she’d intended. She was practically shouting at him. “My name is Sunday. And…” She sucked in a deep, pained breath. It made a noise, one that made her feel weak.

Landon’s eyes softened, his smile fading, replaced by a concerned look that made her feel worse than weak. It made her feel stupid, vulnerable.

“And I’m going to be late to work. I have to leave.”

“Sunnie. Please. Wait.”

She shook her head. She needed to get away from him, needed air, needed to cry her fucking eyes out.

In love?

There’s no way that’s what this feeling was.

Was there?

She rushed out, deftly dodging Landon as he reached out, attempted to grab her, hold her. She had the advantage because she was fully dressed, shoes and all.

She darted through the living room, grabbing her purse and keys, even as she heard Landon calling out her name. He was no doubt struggling to pull on his jeans.

“Sunnie?” Finn was coming down the stairs.

She held up her hand and he stopped mid-step. “Not one word, Finn. I can’t…deal with you right now.”

“What are you talk…” His words faded away as she continued down the stairs.

Sunnie took a deep breath when she reached the foot of the stairs, then tried to slow her pace as she walked into the pub. Shit, she was still moving too fast, but there was only forty feet between her and the exit. If she could make it, she’d hide at work until…

Maybe she could just live at work indefinitely. It had already been a hell of a morning, and she’d only been awake an hour. There were still too many family members to escape, and she wasn’t sure she could handle a bunch of questions about Landon right now.

“Hey, Sunnie,” Yvonne called out from Sunday’s Side.

“Can’t talk,” Sunnie said, barely glancing back. “Late to work.”

She was grateful her cousin didn’t persist. Once she hit the sidewalk, Sunnie practically ran to her car, afraid Landon would catch up to her.

If he did…she didn’t know how she’d react. Her panic was growing with each step. She shouldn’t have run out like that, but goddammit…what else could she do?