Page 67 of June Kisses

Landon had shown up in her bedroom and even though she knew it was a mistake, she’d let him stay, let him in. Her body, her mind, her—

She shoved the last word away.

Not her heart. Definitely not her heart.

Time to take a big step back and approach this unfamiliar feeling with reasoning.

She’d had sex with Landon, her brother’s best friend.

Her best friend.

She blew out a long, frustrated, slightly shaky breath. How were they supposed to find their way back to any sort of normal after everything they’d done last night?

He’d tied her up, spanked her, put a butt plug in her ass and given her so many orgasms, she’d lost count.

It had been amazing. Wonderful. Un-fucking-believable.

So why was she so scared?

Because he wanted more. She knew that. The same way he knew she didn’t.

Sunnie didn’t have a clue how to be anyone’s girlfriend. There was no way she wouldn’t fuck this up, and when she did…

She’d lose him.


Her thoughts were flying around so fast and furious, she felt dizzy. Her stomach lurched and for a second, she thought she might be sick.

“Sunnie,” Landon called to her from the bed.

She didn’t glance his direction. Didn’t dare face him after…everything they’d done.

“Scrubs?” he asked. She was grateful he couldn’t see the panic on her face.

“I have to be at work in an hour.” So far, so good. Her voice sounded relatively normal.

“Damn. I didn’t realize. I’ve got the day off. I was hoping we could spend it in bed.”

Her chest went tight. Maybe she was having a heart attack. Heart disease was the number one killer in women. She wiggled her left arm, checking for numbness.

Nope. Not a heart attack.

“Sorry. No can do,” she said, going for some sort of lightness. It had sounded strained to her, but Landon appeared to buy it.

“When is your lunch break? I can meet you in the hospital cafeteria. Or a storage closet,” he teased. “I’m up for a hot date with my sexy nurse.”

His words tweaked her overwrought nerves. Him and his fucking dates. And kisses. They were what had landed them in this mess. He’d played loose and free with their friendship and now she was a nervous wreck.

“Sunnie?” he said, when she didn’t respond.

“Is it all still pretend, Landon?” This time, she failed to school her tone.

He didn’t respond. Part of her wanted to turn, to face him, to read the truth on his face. She was too afraid to do that. Afraid he’d see too much in her face as well.

The room was silent. No doubt he was considering his answer, seeking the safest path. That thought annoyed her.

“Is it still pretend?” she repeated.