Page 62 of June Kisses

She pointed down. “Under the bed. They don’t all…um…fit in the drawer.”

Landon got out of bed, despite her grip on his arm as she attempted to keep him from exploring further.


He reached beneath the bed and found a handle. Tugging the box out, he whistled at the size of it.

Then his eyes widened as he took off the lid. “Sweet Jesus,” he murmured.

Sunnie’s toy box rivaled the stockroom of Adam and Eve.

“What the hell, babe?” He lifted several items that were still in packages, including nipple clamps, handcuffs, a silk blindfold, and three different butt plugs.

“I had a coupon.”

He shook his head. “Try again. Why isn’t any of this opened?”

“It’s new…ish.”

“How new?” he asked, though he had a suspicion. He prayed it was correct.

She shrugged, but he merely stared her down, waiting.

“I got it a few months ago.”

“Before or after April Fools.”

Sunnie rolled her eyes, but the pink in her cheeks returned and his question was answered.

“You liked hearing what I enjoy in bed, didn’t you? Turned you on.”

She grabbed the butt plug and nipple clamps out of his hands and tossed them back in the box. “Put it away.”

He shook his head, reaching for the cuffs and the blindfold. “We’ll start slow.”

She eyed the toys as he took them out of their packages.

“Why is the vibrator in the drawer and not the box?”

She lifted one shoulder casually. “It’s my favorite.”


He tossed the lid back on the box and toed it under the bed once more before sitting next to her.

“Landon, I don’t think—”

“If you want to say no, Sunnie, say it and these go away. But you and I both know you bought them because you were curious.” He spun the cuffs around on one finger. They were velvet-lined, made for sexual bondage. If she really got into being restrained, he’d love to use the real thing on her. Roleplay with Sunnie would be a lot of fun.

Sunnie considered his offer, her flush fading as she crawled toward him. His dick went hard as she moved slowly, sensually across the bed.

“You know how to use those, Officer Riggs?”

Oh fuck.

It was on.

“Are you going to come peacefully, or are you planning to resist arrest?”