Page 59 of June Kisses

“We’re going to be careful, Sunshine,” he assured her.

She obviously thought he misunderstood. “No, not that. I’m still on the pill. I mean—”

“I know exactly what you mean.”

“You do?”

“I do.” He pulled her toward him, kissing her, relieved when she returned his embrace, her lips going soft beneath him.

There wasn’t a shy bone in Sunnie’s body, so she lost no time taking advantage of his nudity. She ran her fingers over his bare chest, breaking off the kiss so she could look at him. He let her go, fully intending to take the same visual tour when he got her out of her pajamas.

“I’ve seen you without a shirt a million times. Why do I suddenly feel so…”

Landon forced himself to wait, to see what word she would use.

“God, I’m excited, nervous, and turned on all at the same time,” she listed in one rushed breath.

“It’s different this time.”

Her gaze lifted to his. “Yeah. It is.” Her hand drifted lower, gripping his cock as she had earlier today. “I haven’t had sex in over a year.”

He could tell from the slight wince that followed that statement she hadn’t meant to blurt that out.

Landon smiled, giving her a soft, quick kiss. “Me either.”

“You’re, um…well, at the risk of giving you an inflated head…kind of big.”

He laughed. “I’m not freaking John Holmes, Sunnie. It’s going to be fine. Promise.”

She rolled her eyes. “I know that. I’m just saying…”

“What?” he prompted, wondering what was worrying her.

“At April Fools, you told me what you like in bed, and I’m all in on…most of it.”

He recalled what he said, and he knew exactly what part was freaking her out. “Jesus, Sunnie. I’m not doing all of that to you tonight. And I’m not doing anything you don’t want or aren’t comfortable with.”

She nipped her lower lip, the gesture completely adorable, and for a second, she actually did fit Colm’s description of impressionable and sweet. It passed quickly when she said, “While I wouldn’t mind losing my anal cherry, I’m sure as hell not starting with this.” She squeezed his dick firmly.

Landon laughed so hard, he fell to his back, her hand slipping off him. “Oh my God, Sunshine.”

“What’s so funny?” she asked, though her smile told him she wasn’t offended by his humor.

“Anal cherry?”

“Well, it’s not like I’m a virgin any other way. You should know that. After all, you were the first one I told when—”

“I know exactly when you lost your virginity,” he said, cutting her off.

She’d lost it to Jacob Payne after the Homecoming football game her junior year. Sunnie had only gone out with him for two months and the decision to have sex had been based more on her determination to get rid of her pesky virginity than on true love. She’d missed her curfew, and knew her dad would question her about it, so she had called Landon and asked him to pick her up from Jacob’s house, figuring Aaron would be more forgiving if she told him she’d been with Landon at the same party, and just lost track of time.

All that had happened was Aaron had read both of them the riot act, and Finn hadn’t spoken to him the entire next day, pissed off Landon had gone to a party without him. The silent treatment for the party ended when Sunnie told Finn the truth and insisted he lay off Landon.

Of course, at that point, the silent treatment lasted even longer. Finn was pissed as shit that Landon hadn’t told him about Sunnie losing her virginity.

Landon reached out, tucking his arm around her. Sunnie laid her head on his chest, the two of them quiet for a moment.

“You know everything about me,” she said after a few minutes. Landon couldn’t quite read her tone.