Page 51 of June Kisses

Sunnie hung back with her family, chatting for a little while as the crowd thinned. When it looked like the interview was wrapping up, she started to approach him.

Two other women beat her there. Sunnie hadn’t noticed them hovering on the sidelines, but it was clear they were part of the Hot Cop fan club.

“You got a ride, Sunnie?” Dad asked.

She’d come with Yvonne, but her cousin had left right after the third quarter because she was waiting tables at the pub tonight and needed to shower.

“Yeah,” she lied. “Landon is bringing me home.”

Dad glanced at Landon chatting with the two women and gave her a curious look. She was relieved when—rather than question her about it—he simply nodded and said goodbye.

She walked toward Landon and the women, surprised that, rather than trying to get away from them—as he had every other overzealous groupie who’d approached him since they’d started to pretend date—he was actually taking part in the conversation.

Sunnie saw red when he smiled at the very pretty blonde, laughing at something she said.

“You ready to go, Landon?” Sunnie asked, grasping his hand and tucking herself close to his side. He’d told her she was going to be a jealous girlfriend, part of her job description when he had proposed this plan. She dismissed the other women with barely a glance, intent on pulling him away.

Landon actually shot her a surprised look and didn’t budge. “Sunnie,” he said, wrapping his arm around her waist to hold her still. He glanced around the gym, then pierced her with a look that seemed…angry. “Where’s Ned?”

His question sparked her own temper. How dare he play high and mighty with her when he was standing here flirting with two women?


“Um, hi, Sunnie.”

Sunnie was taken aback when the blonde said her name, then she recognized her as a girl who’d gone to high school with her and Landon. “Cathy.”

“I was just telling Landon how happy I am that the two of you are finally going out.” Cathy reached over and took the other woman’s hand. “My girlfriend wanted to meet the two of you. We figured you’re as close to famous as we’re going to get here in Baltimore.”

The two women grinned. They were clearly in love…and it was obvious now that they’d merely wanted to say hello.

Sunnie felt bad for her possessive behavior. “I would hardly call us famous. How have you been?”

They chatted for a few minutes as Sunnie tried to get her emotions under control. Landon didn’t seem to be doing any better than she. He radiated heat and his arm tightened around her waist, his fingers gripping her in an unbreakable hold.

Cathy and her girlfriend said goodbye, leaving the gym…and Landon and Sunnie alone.

“Landon,” Sunnie said, trying to shrug out of his hold.

“Not one word, Sunnie.”

“What?” she asked, surprised by his tone.

Landon grasped her hand and tugged her from the gym and into the nearest locker room. The other guys had already showered and left, the place empty.

He pressed her back against a row of lockers and kissed her as if his life depended on it.

She returned the heated embrace, nipping at his lower lip, causing him to jerk back and, holy shit, growl.

Sunnie gripped his hair, pulling his face back to hers. As they kissed, his hands drifted under her sweater, his fingers roughly pulling her bra down until her breasts popped free. He pinched her nipples, causing her to gasp, their lips parting.

“You have no idea what that sweater is doing to me.”

“Cheerleader fetish much?” She was trying for a joke, reaching for some way to calm down. It didn’t work. Especially when he pinched her nipples again.

“What did Ned want?”

She snarled. “Nothing. Just saying hi.”