Page 18 of June Kisses

He and the other guys stared, their mouths hanging open.

Landon had started to say something, started to tell Sunnie she was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen, but Finn stepped in front of him, blocking his view.

“Not. One. Word.”

Finn’s big-brother growl had broken the spell and Landon had laughed, giving Sunnie, who’d been in her element, a wink.

Finn ran a hand through his hair, drawing attention to his hat head. He’d lost his Orioles cap somewhere in the mad dash home.

Sunnie took Finn’s hand and squeezed. “Please don’t freak out, Finn. I swear I’m okay. Honest.”

“What were you doing walking home alone? I thought Derek was picking you up. Where the hell was he? Didn’t the two of you have plans for tonight?” Finn asked, firing off question after question without giving her a chance to answer.

“He’s a dick. I’m over him.”

Finn shook his head and sighed. “You gotta stop dating douchebags, Sun.”

She laughed. “You know they don’t start out douchebags, right?”

He narrowed his eyes.

“Fine,” she said, raising her hands. “Derek was a douchebag pretty much from the beginning. I just feel like the dating pool in Baltimore is getting smaller. It’s really tough to find—”

“Don’t change the subject,” Finn grumbled. “Did you seriously fight to keep the purse?”

Sunnie huffed. “It was my new purse.”

Finn stood up, clearly intent on repeating the same thing Landon and Aaron had said.

She rose as well, the two of them practically standing nose to nose, as much as they could considering Finn was a good eight inches taller.

“I love that purse,” she insisted.

Landon knew exactly how this was going to end. Sunnie was getting tired of being lectured to, which was going to make her contrary. She was a master button-pusher. Given what she’d been through, and the fact she’d genuinely apologized to him, Landon figured they didn’t need to keep piling on.

Unfortunately, Finn was in annoyed-big-brother mode and getting ready to really dig in.

Finn moved closer. “I swear to God, Sun, I can’t bel—”

“It is a great purse,” Landon said, stopping both of them in their tracks, as he stood and stepped between them.

Finn looked ready to kill him, but that was countered by Sunnie’s genuine laugh when Landon continued, “It’s a Louis Vuitton, man. Have a little respect.”

“Finally, someone who appreciates my efforts.” Sunnie stifled a yawn and Landon spotted the weariness in her eyes that said she’d had enough. “You can get in line behind Mom, Dad and Bubbles to give me shit tomorrow, Finn. I’m really tired tonight.”

Finn looked like he wanted to press on, but Landon shook his head subtly.

“Okay,” Finn begrudgingly agreed. “It can wait. You sure—”

“I’m fine,” she repeated.

Landon was touched when she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for everything, Landon. I’m going to bed.”

Finn moved over to allow her to pass, his brows furrowing when he saw her limp.

Landon reached out to grab Finn’s arm, to keep him from asking her about it. His silent request gained him a scowl, but he and Finn were best friends, closer than brothers, so he followed Landon’s lead.

When she was gone, Finn turned to him for all the answers Sunnie wouldn’t provide.