Page 65 of June Kisses

He washed the butt plug, then tiptoed back to the room. He opened the door stealthily, curious to see if Sunnie had obeyed his orders.

She was wiggling like a worm on a hook, her toes pressed to the floor, her hips in the air as she swayed, trying to steal whatever relief she could.

He’d purposely left the vibrator on low, knowing it wouldn’t be enough to push her over, just enough to keep her motor revving, her body reaching for more.

Landon shut the door with a soft snick and Sunnie froze in place, clearly caught in the act.

He crossed the room and spanked her twice. “What part of ‘don’t move’ were you struggling with?”

She opened her mouth, clearly ready to offer some smart-ass reply, but he spanked her again.


Time to up the ante. Show her exactly what she was in for with him. Too many years of listening to her call him Boy Scout were coming to the forefront. Landon grinned. Sunnie was about to meet his bad boy.

Uncapping the lubrication, he pressed the tip to her anus and squeezed.

She shrieked with surprise when the gel slid in. “Wait!” she cried out.

Landon ran the tip of his finger over her anus. “That’s not the word that’s going to make me stop,” he said, reminding her that she had a safe word if she wanted this to end. He prayed to God she didn’t use it.

Sunnie stilled, but didn’t speak. He could practically see the wheels spinning in her brain.

He didn’t give her time to think too hard about it. Landon pressed in, just to the first knuckle.

Sunnie, for all her wiggling earlier, had gone completely still.

He didn’t mistake that for disinterest. He had her attention—all of it. She wasn’t going to stop him. He was certain of it.

Landon pressed in farther, until one finger was completely lodged in her ass.

He considered asking her how it felt, if she wanted to go on. That’s what Landon would do. But they were playing different parts right now, and he knew Sunnie was enjoying that as much as he was.

“It takes a lot of work to subdue you,” he murmured.

Sunnie didn’t respond, and he realized she seemed lost in the moment. It was beautiful.

He took his time, thrusting just one finger into her ass, over and over, slowly, until she was relaxed enough that he decided to add a second, then finally a third.

The vibrator was still on low, still pulsing in her pussy.

Landon wasn’t sure how long he’d been playing with her, stretching her. He’d been pushing her toward her orgasm by inches. Last time, they’d both been too ready, too anxious to race to the finish line.

This time, they were savoring each and every moment, every sensation.

She shuddered roughly when he pulled his fingers out of her ass, replacing it with the butt plug and more lube.

“Oh my God,” she whispered.

Landon freed her hands from the cuffs and pulled the blindfold from her eyes.

Sunnie blinked a few times, adjusting to the sudden light. He hadn’t turned off the nightstand lamp, hadn’t wanted to miss watching her responses to everything he did to her.

“Roll over, Sunnie,” he said.

She smiled, aware that the roleplay was over.

He gripped the end of the vibrator, pulling it out as her back arched.