Page 109 of Honor's Revenge

“Accept the fleet admiral’s invitation to join the Masters’ Admiralty,” Charlie insisted.

“Ask me nicely.”

Sylvia knew exactly what to say to provoke the alpha inside him. He reached out and pulled her into his arms, kissing her. It was a hard, demanding kiss, one that proved he was more than up to the challenge of bending her to his will.

Hugo was there when he and Sylvia moved apart, ready to step in and claim his own hot kiss.

Charlie reached for her a second time, but Sylvia took two big steps back. “No. Too much more of that and this will go too far. Something tells me your fleet admiral won’t leave us alone that long. And I know my brothers won’t.”

Charlie wanted to dispute that fact, but a loud knock at the door proved she was right.

“Sylvia,” Langston called out. “You okay?”

Sylvia walked to the door, throwing it open. “Oh. My. God. Seriously? Could you guys be any more annoying?”

Oscar snorted. “Is that a rhetorical question?” He looked at Walt. “Because we can totally be more annoying, right?”

Walt didn’t crack a smile, didn’t acknowledge his brother at all. “So…” he prompted.

“So… I’m going to Europe to help the fleet admiral find the bad guy. Then I’m going to stick around a little while. See where this thing with Hugo and Lance, er, Charlie, is headed.”

Oscar scowled. “Who the fuck is Charlie? Jesus H. Christ. I’m gonna need some sort of flowchart to keep up with who’s who.”

Walt stepped over to Sylvia, studying her face like he was diagnosing a patient. “You love them?”

She nodded.

Walt smiled, though it was a sad one. “We’re losing you.”

“Never,” Sylvia said, quickly swiping away a tear.

Charlie stepped next to her, placing his arm around her waist. “We love her, Walt.”

“We’ll never hurt her,” Hugo added, claiming Sylvia’s other side.

Langston rolled his eyes, gesturing to her hand. “Yeah. You’re doing a stellar job with that so far.”

Sylvia narrowed her eyes. “Langston,” she started.

He raised his hand, cutting her off. “I get it, Sis. I really do. I might not like the idea of you going overseas, but,” Langston blew out a long breath, and Charlie could tell Sylvia’s brother really didn’t want to admit what came next, “I was there. I saw Alicia throw you into the ocean, saw Lancelot go in after you, saw the way Hugo held you on the shore. If we’re going to lose you, I guess…I guess it could be worse than to these two guys.”

Oscar turned on his brothers. “Are you two fucking kidding me? We’re condoning this?”

Sylvia moved until she was standing in front of Oscar. “Please,” she whispered. “Please be happy for me. I couldn’t stand leaving knowing you were mad or unhappy with me.”

While Charlie knew Oscar was named for Oscar Wilde, he’d had a hard time not looking at the man and thinking he was more suited to another Oscar namesake. Of the Muppet variety. All Oscar the Grouch was missing was the trashcan.

“Dammit, Sylvia.” Oscar sighed—then Charlie’s eyes widened as he saw something that could almost pass for a smile cross the man’s face. “I’m not mad. If you’re happy, I’m happy. But if those sons of bitches do one thing to hurt you, I will hack into ASAT, put an X on their backs, and—”

“No,” Langston cut in. “If anyone gets to blow their asses to Kingdom Come, it’s me.”

Sylvia laughed as if her brothers hadn’t just threatened their total annihilation. “ASAT weapons are designed to destroy other space satellites. Not to kill humans.”

“Never underestimate my abilities, Little Sister,” Oscar said.

“I can make a bomb big enough to kill a man fit in a greeting card. You can get C4 real flat if you want,” Langston said with a smile.

Sylvia rolled her eyes, then turned to him and Hugo. “Clean sweep. We got their blessings!”