Page 105 of Honor's Revenge

Sylvia looked at Hugo, and then Lancelot. Hugo could see her answer…knew he wasn’t going to like it.

“Sylvia,” he started, but she held up her hand.

“I want to help, Fleet Admiral. Want to make sure that Alicia and this man never hurt another person. The things she said that night, the things she believed. Her brain has been poisoned. This man—”

“The mastermind,” Hugo said.

“Varangian,” Lancelot murmured.

“He needs to be stopped. He’s evil incarnate. But I don’t expect anything in return for my help. I will do it because it’s the right thing to do.”

Hugo’s chest tightened. Everything she said was pure Sylvia, was what made him love her. Even as she threw away their chance at happiness, at forever.

Juliette looked at her. “You don’t have to decide this very moment, Sylvia. I will allow Eric and your companions to stay for a few days so you can work with them. As a matter of fact,” she turned a charming smile on Hugo, “Dr. Marchand, Mr. Knight, if you’d like to stay on permanently, the Trinity Masters would welcome you.”

“How about no? Nice try, Blondie,” Eric said. “Paris, Sylvia. You can have Paris, and these two.”

“If they love you,” Juliette said, “they’ll leave the Masters’ Admiralty, come to America, and join you in the Trinity Masters.”

“They don’t get to leave. No one does. Membership is for life,” Eric said darkly.

“This is the strangest negotiation in history,” Walt mused.

“You are not going with them,” Oscar declared. “You don’t even know them! You’re not some damned Disney princess.”

“If the Disney princesses got with two dudes, I might actually watch those movies,” Eric said.

Langston groaned, turning on Oscar. “Dammit, Bro. You know better than to tell our baby sister she’s not doing something. Why don’t you just say ‘I dare you to run away with the crazy people.’”

“I’m not stupid,” Sylvia said. “And I’m not going to accept people as payment for services. But I will go with you. Help you. Also, I want to see Paris.”

Eric looked at Hugo and Lancelot. “You two better be good enough in bed to make her stay. Should I draw you diagrams? You need to cry and be vulnerable, girls love that shit. But then also be total cavemen. Trust me, I had two wives.”

“I am deeply uncomfortable with this conversation,” Walt declared.

“He had two wives. I’m just saying…” Langston looked around.

“And they were both hot,” Eric told him. “Offer still stands.”

“Langston, do not make me call Mama and tell her you’re actin’ a fool,” Oscar said.

“Fleet Admiral, I’d like to talk to Hugo and Sylvia alone a minute,” Lancelot said. “There are things they need—they deserve—to know before she considers your offer.”

Hugo closed his eyes. Merde. First Sylvia, now Lancelot was standing in the way of their own happiness.

Sylvia looked at Lancelot suspiciously. “More secrets?”

“Ah, good point. Okay, we should clear out. This is going to get ugly.” Eric turned to the door.

“We’re not leaving her,” Oscar declared.

“Go away,” Sylvia told them. Walt placed his hand on Oscar’s shoulder, leading him to the exit.

“We’ll be just outside,” Langston warned Hugo and Lancelot. The three of them left, closing the door behind them.

Juliette and Sebastian shared a glance. “Sylvia, do you want me to stay?” Juliette asked.

“No. I trust them.”