Page 19 of Honor's Revenge

“Jack of all trades,” Lancelot added, oozing charm.

“It sounds fascinating. I hope you’ll fill me in on more of the details.”

Hugo nodded. Maybe by the time they left America, he would have not only the answers they needed to stop the Mastermind, but a solid outline for a new book. “I hope you don’t mind my stopping by. I wasn’t sure how long we would be in Charleston, so I didn’t want to make plans I could not keep.”

“And I’m guessing you found my address, since you’re the investigator,” Sylvia said to Lancelot.

“I did,” Lancelot confirmed.

“If this is not a good time…” Hugo let the words trail off.

“It’s perfect. I hope you weren’t just sitting here all day.”

“We’ve only been here a few minutes.”

“I’ve thought of you so often over the years, Dr. Marchand. You were such a wonderful professor.”

“Hugo,” he corrected. “I think it’s time you started calling me Hugo.”

She grinned as she said, “Hugo.”

“If you do not have plans, perhaps we could converse?”

Her eyes lit up. “Oh! Excuse my manners. Keeping you both out here in the yard. Please come in.”

Hugo had already discovered after just a few short days in South Carolina, conversations weren’t rushed and they didn’t happen without some sort of refreshment being served. Primarily cold, sugary tea, called “sweet tea,” though just the thought of drinking that made his stomach turn.

“I have some lemonade in the refrigerator,” she said as they mounted the steps. “Or maybe you’d like tea?”

If only she meant a nice cup of hot tea. Iced tea was bad enough, never mind sweetened to the extreme. A slight grumble from Lancelot proved his friend had the same disdain for sweet tea that he did.

“Lemonade sounds…lovely,” Hugo said.

“You live here alone?” Lancelot asked as they reached the door.

Sylvia nodded. “Yes. My parents are terrible worriers though, so for their peace of mind, I’ve got security cameras set up all around the place.”

“What security cameras?” Lancelot demanded, looking around, until Hugo elbowed him. “Professional curiosity,” he quickly added. “I didn’t see any security.”

“That pretty hummingbird feeder is actually a camera.” She pointed to a red and yellow item hanging from the large oak tree.

The whole time they’d been sitting on her porch, they’d been on camera.

Lancelot stepped closer to examine it. “This is next level. Who made it?”

“Actually, my whole security system is custom-made. Come on in and we’ll have a proper chat.”

She swung the door open and entered. Lancelot reached out a long arm and held the door open so Hugo could enter. The house wasn’t large by any means. It was one story, but it had a nice open floor plan that made it seem bigger than it was. Large windows covered with sheer white curtains filled the space with bright, cheerful sunlight.

She continued walking until the three of them reached the kitchen. Sylvia reached for a kettle on the stove, holding it up. “Hot tea, not cold, right?”

Lancelot smiled as if she’d offered him a steak dinner. “Hot tea would be perfect.”

She filled the kettle with water, and then went to the refrigerator. “And how about you, Dr. Mar…Hugo? Lemonade? Hot tea? Or tea as God intended it—sweet and ice cold?”

Hugo chuckled. “At the risk of offending your gracious Southern hospitality, I’m afraid I’m with Lance,” he just caught himself before saying Lancelot, “on this. Hot tea, please.”

Hugo glanced around the kitchen as she put two Lipton tea bags in mugs while they waited for the water to boil. “Sugar? Milk?”