I want to be Heath’s wife. Now.
I don’t care about the swirling rumors that I must be pregnant for us to get married so soon. Heath and I both decided to wait for our honeymoon, that’s in less than five hours, to finally make love. It would’ve been a lot sooner if the courts had a closer date available for our courthouse wedding.
Another rumor that’s spread like wild is that our love is fake. A ruse to get a portion of Buckee’s land and nothing more. The first rumor didn’t bother me as Heath and I do plan to get pregnant soon. The second would only frustrate me if Buckee thought it was true. Fortunately, he doesn’t. In fact, he’s our biggest cheerleader.
Over Heath’s shoulder, I glance at Buckee in his wheelchair. He’s dressed in his finest bull riding outfit, with a cowboy hat resting in his lap. Next to him, Ash is snapping photos while Kai holds my bouquet and Cole pretends there’s something in his eye.
My dress is a simple mother-of-pearl satin. I’d curled my hair myself and followed a YouTube bridal makeup tutorial I’d practiced for a week. It didn’t come out too bad if I do say so myself.
I’ve never seen Heath in a suit before and today’s no different, though he did comb his hair back and is wearing a crisp white button-down. He always looks wickedly handsome to me, with dark hair and stormy eyes that are locked on mine.
“Dixie Rose Fox. When you came into my life, I didn’t know at the time how much my world would change once you were in it. You have shaped me into the man I’ve always desired to be. You’ve shown me love and forgiveness even when I didn’t deserve it. You’ve shown me patience, strength, and endurance I don’t think I could ever possess. No one else on this earth could ever measure up to you in my eyes and my love for you is eternal. I am so blessed and honored that you will be my wife, my soul partner that I’ve yearned for. The mother of my future children I never thought I’d have. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for letting me in.”
Tears prick at both our eyes as Buckee blows his nose loudly on a handkerchief and it’s my time to recite my vows.
“Heath, you’ve always been my protector, the one person aside from my Gran who’s shown me true, consistent, unconditional love especially when I was so broken that I didn’t know how to receive it for the longest time. With you, I feel safe, loved, and completely at peace even if chaos surrounds us. Thank you for bringing me into your family who’s the epitome of light, love, and tranquility. Thank you for seeing the light in me even when all I saw was darkness.”
The officiant smiles when I finish. “Dixie Rose Fox, do you take Heath Forester as your lawfully wedded husband?”
As Buckee wheels forward, and Heath takes the ring from Buckee’s cowboy hat, I gasp. It wasn’t the rubber rings we’d been wearing for the past three weeks, but a moissanite, emerald cut ring set on a thin silver band.
I want to say how much Heath didn’t have to do that, but it’s like he already knows what I’m about to say because he shakes his head in warning.
Live in the moment.
I smile and give him my hand. “I do.”
I barely have time to push Heath’s ring onto his finger before he’s pulling me into his arms and kissing me before the officiant can finish the words, “You may now kiss your bride.”
When we pull apart and Kai hands me my bouquet outside on the front steps, I toss it gently over my shoulder where Cole catches it, much to his cousin’s teasing delight.
“Bucks,” I hear Heath whispering. “I think you’re wrong a lot. But this time you were right. This is the life I want, and without your kick in the ass, I’m not sure if I would’ve pursued it. Thank you.”
One could say having your honeymoon in your Gran’s cabin isn’t very romantic, but it’s the best surprise I’ve ever gotten.
As Heath carries me over the threshold, I’m awed by the amount of work he and his cousins were able to accomplish in just three short weeks. Not only is the cabin fully restored, but it’s an exact replica, right down to the lacy curtains fluttering in the light breeze.
“H-how were you able to...” I’m lost for words as I spot the same, yet brand new, flamingo area rug beneath the rebuilt coffee table.
“Inside your Gran’s old bedroom was a photo album. There were dozens of photos of you all around the house and grounds. Cali helped me out a lot at thrift stores in town, and we managed to get pretty close to the original.”
I spot a new photo on the wall, one that must’ve come from the album. I’m fishing down by the lake with a massive smile on my face that’s actually genuine. My clothes are clean, though second-hand, and my hair is brushed and pulled into a shiny braid. Gold knobs Gran gifted me that Christmas shine in my ears. The same pair I now wear in my second ear piercing. Gran wasn’t thrilled about that, but she was just happy I still wore them constantly.
“I know it’s not the same but–” Heath begins, but I jump into his arms and press my lips against his and he scoops me up for a better reach.
“I should thrift for you more often.”
“This is the best surprise ever, Heath. I don’t think I could ever thank you enough.”
Though I tried. Without Heath’s knowledge, I’ve been paying off the mechanic who’s fixing Pearl from my meager savings. She should be done in a few days and I can’t wait to see Heath’s face when she’s parked in our driveway on the lot Buckee gifted us early as our wedding present. Despite Heath’s offer for us to live in Gran’s cabin, I want to settle somewhere else and Forester Ranch is the perfect spot to do it surrounded by family. Besides, it's a lot closer to the Forester cabin business.
Gran’s cabin will remain a time capsule and a weekend getaway for any Forester or Woods.
As I admire the new photographs lining the hallway leading to my old bedroom, Heath wraps his arms around my waist and begins trailing kisses down my neck.
“So many buttons,” he says, running a hand tantalizingly slow down my back as I spin around to face him.