Page 25 of Nova

I take a step forward, and then another, and my heart pounds against my chest. The first symptoms of an attack start, and I stop myself from moving as I double over and stare at the ground, breathing deeply until the signs of panic dissipate.

I can do this. I can fucking do this.

I’m stronger than this feeling of panic, than the visions of dead brothers and sisters in arms. I am stronger than the dead bodies I can’t unsee and the disgusting feeling of failure that starts to pull me under.

“No!” I shout and slam my eyes shut until the visions turn to dust. It takes a few minutes but eventually, the images in my mind go away and my heart rate returns to normal.

I stand and breathe slowly, shaking it off. I head for the clubhouse, more specifically to my bike and back to the clinic where I can do some good.

And it will give me something other than Maggie to obsess about for a few hours.



“What doyouwant?” I cross my arms and glare at Nova, standing at the foot of the bed looking hot as fuck, and like he’s ready for round two.Fat fucking chance of that,I think, but my nipples tighten at the lie. “Well?”

“It’s time to move you out of here.”

“You for real?” I scoff. I mean, really? We’d messed around like rabbits in this godforsaken hole, then he bounced without a word. Couldn’t even manage a cliche´ “hit it and quit it” before high-tailing it outta here like his ass was on fire. “Go away.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, Maggie.”

“Por qué no? You’re the one who locked me in this dungeon. To protect me. Or is that just a lie? Now you’ve gotten your kicks, so it’s all right for me to be among the living again?”

“You’re healing, and as long as I can trust you not to run off into the sunset, I thought maybe you’d like to be around people again.”

“Bullshit.” I know when someone is lying to me. Had to learn to sniff ‘em out or get hurt, and it’s probably the only thing that’s kept me alive this long. “Try again, Doc.”

“You’d rather stay down here?”

I laugh, the cynical sound bouncing off the dank walls. “Nah, Doc. I’d rather get the hell outta this joint, this state even. Was planning on it before you locked me down here.”

“Jesus Christ, woman. Do you want to stay down here or not?”

I give him a tight smile, hoping it hides the anger boiling up in me. “Why you gotta be so fucking hot and a pain in the ass at the same time? Just tell me where I’m headed, and then leave me alone.”

I can tell he’s pissed from the angry tone in his voice, but he tries to hide it, his face flushing as he shoves his hands in his pockets. “Pack up and then follow me.”

“Okay.” I take my time gathering up the few items of clothing scattered on the bed. There’s no reason to feel butt hurt over this, no reason at all. He’s not the first dude to act like a piece of shit after getting some pussy, and he won’t be the last. That’s not important, but maybe if I’m not trapped in the dungeon, I can find a way out of this fucking town with my head still attached. When I’m holding the bag with my few borrowed items of clothing, I tell him, “All right, take me to my next prison.”

He grumbles under his breath but opens the door and motions me up the stairs.

I shoot him a dirty look but make my way up the steps and follow him down a long hallway and then another. “Where the fuck are we?”

I take two steps ahead of him to get away, but he grabs my arm, pulling me back.

“Over here.” He guides me down a different path toward a door that opens onto a bar. Top shelf liquor, pool tables, a jukebox, the works. People chatting and getting cozy like it’s the most normal thing in the world. “Where the fuck are we?”

“This is the MC clubhouse.” Nova’s voice is low and smooth like honey, so close to my ear it sends a shiver through me. “You’ll be staying here.”

I nod and look around, too aware of the heat of his hand against my back as he guides me down another dimly lit hall and into a room. A bedroom.

“This is it?” It’s not what I expect, but it has a nice full-sized bed and nightstand right in the middle of the room, a desk and chair in one corner, and a lamp in another corner. “Thanks. This will be fine, Doc.”

He smiles when I call him Doc, but it fades quickly. “The door locks from the inside. For privacy.”

Privacy. Great. “But I’m guessing I still can’t leave?”