Page 63 of Nova

I nod and take a suspicious step back. “What are you doing here?”

She sighs, rubbing her forehead in a clear sign of worry. “I was out searching for a patient. She’s fifteen, pregnant, and addicted. And she missed her appointment today.” Her gaze settles over me, and I know I look like fifty shades of shit.

“My stylist is on vacation,” I say in a flippant voice when her gaze pinches into an expression I can’t identify.

“What happened to you?”

“Oh, nothing,” I say easily. “I was trying to leave this fucked up town and ran into my old crew, and those fucking bitches tried to kill me. Again. I really got to bolt. They could be anywhere.”

“Come with me. I’ll get you cleaned up.” Sophie reaches for me, but I take a step back. “What’s wrong? I’m not going to hurt you, Margaret.”

I believe that much. “Yeah, I know, but I don’t want to see Nova.”

She frowns in confusion, and I can see the indecision weighing on her shoulders. “I’m not Dr. Bishop. Let me help you.”

I shake my head and turn away from her. “Never mind. I’ll be fine, Sophie. I’m just a little banged up.”

“There’s blood on your head. You could have a concussion.”

“I’ll sleep it off,” I shoot back, still walking away.

“You could die.”

“If I stay here, I’m dead anyway, but thanks for your concern.” I keep walking when Sophie grabs me again.

“I don’t know what happened between you and Nova, but I can’t let you walk away in this condition.”

“Yeah?” I arch a brow at the prim and proper nurse. “And how are you going to stop me?”

Her red lips curl into a devious smile. “I can just call Dr. Bishop right now and tell him where you are.”

I freeze at her threat and then shrug. “He won’t care.”

“Good.” She grabs my shoulders and turns me back toward the van with the clinic name and logo on the side, giving me a gentle push toward the vehicle. “Then you’ll have no problem letting me get you fixed up.”

“I thought you were nice,” I growl at her.

She laughs. “I thought you were tough. We’re both wrong, aren’t we?”

“Bitch,” I mumble and let her herd me into the van.

She laughs again. “Don’t give me any shit, or I’ll call Dr. Nova.”

“Like I trust you,” I growl, folding my arms and fixing my gaze out the passenger window.

“You don’t have to trust me to let me help you. It’ll be easier for you to run away if you can stand on your own two feet.”

She says the words like she understands, and I turn to Sophie, studying her carefully to see if I can figure her out.

“Don’t tell Nova,” I spit out. “I don’t want to see him.”

No, that’s not true. I do want to see him. Badly. But I can’t.

She hesitates.

“Promise me, or I’ll jump out.” I grip the door handle to let her know I’m not bluffing. “Promise.”

She nods, but she doesn’t say the words. For now, I count that as a win.