That night changed everything. We weren’t in some cheesy romance movie—this was the streets of L.A., raw and unfiltered. The Damien I thought I knew was ripped away, replaced by the real Demon. A monster. Possessive. Volatile. Unpredictable.
I was blind to it all, a silly girl in love with a gang leader who was now my boss. TheSangrientaswere gone, swallowed up by the Bloodthirsty Devils, and I was trapped. Love mixed with jealousy and anger makes bad juju, and it took me too damn long to figure that out.
But don’t get me twisted. It wasn’t all bad times and nightmares. There were good times, laughter, love. That was what made it so fucked up. Demon wasn’t an angel, but he was my friend, my partner, my savior.
I loved Demon with everything in me.
Now he’s just gone.
I’m freezing, starving, and solo as fuck.
This is the most peace I’ve had in years, and if I don’t die soon, I’ma remember this feeling and try to get me some more.
I cut the engine on my ride as I roll up to the clubhouse. I’m exhausted. I need to get some sleep. I guess I’ll sleep when I’m dead.
I step off my bike, remove the plain black helmet Banger always gave me shit about, and stroll inside. The place buzzes with an energy I can’t explain, the excitement in the air palpable. I pick up the pace as I walk through the clubhouse, smiling at the girls behind the bar and offering a nod to some of the prospects milling around drinking beer and playing pool.
I come to a halt when I spot Kelsey playing with Baby Rocky. I flash her a warm smile, gently ruffling the kid’s red hair. “How’s the munchkin?”
“Good as gold. Sleeps like a log, but man, she’s a handful when she’s awake.” Her smile fades a little as she gives me the once-over. “You look beat, Nova. You okay?”
I scratch the back of my neck, a lopsided grin on my face. “Just wiped. Where’s everyone else?”
She nods in the direction of Wild Man’s tech sanctuary. “Something’s up. Hopefully, they’re closing in on Willow’s location.”
“Thanks.” I ruffle the kid’s head again before making my way toward Wild Man’s office. My hand rests on the doorknob for a second, my lungs filling with a slow, deliberate breath. Releasing it, I step inside, meeting the inquiring gazes of my brothers.
“What’s going on?” I ask warily.
Gia looks up first, surprise flashing in her eyes before she waves me over. “We’re listening to those Bloodthirsty assholes. You here to help?”
Behind her is Olly, our new prospect, and Wild Man, also listening with intense focus.
“Yeah, sure,” I say with more enthusiasm than I feel, thinking longingly of my bed.
She pats the seat beside her, pointing to the wireless headphones on the table. “Just plug into one of the devices and listen for anything interesting.”
“And if I hear anything interesting?”
Her smile widens, and she tucks a lock of hot pink hair behind her ear. “Then let us know. We got these recordings from their latest hideout. Wilder hacked into their smart TV, and everything’s been recorded since last week. Cool, huh?”
“Damn. The shit you guys do with electronics is amazing.” I sit in the comfortable leather office chair and slip on the headphones.
Listening to the Bloodthirsty Devils is as eye-opening as it is boring. Before joining the Army, before my life in the MC, I grew up wealthy and privileged. So, what I know about gangs, I only know because of Banger. But listening in to the loose hierarchy and the lack of structure in decision-making just pisses me off. How did these fuckers get the jump on Banger?
“Gordo got an eye on that biker bitch,” someone’s wicked laugh comes through the headphones. “He says she’s nice to look at but has a smart mouth.”
A bunch of laughter sounds, and at least four distinct voices chime in. “I have one guaranteed way to shut the bitch up. Works on myrucaevery fucking time.”
More laughter, and I shake my head at these fools. It’s easy to be a tough guy when your opponent is a woman. “Ghost says, leave her the fuck alone. I’m not touching that skank.”
I reach out and tap Gia on the shoulder. “I think they’re talking about Willow. Sounds like she’s alive.”
At my words, Wild Man presses some keys on his keyboard, and Olly leans forward, motioning for me to disconnect the headphones. Gia taps on her tablet, and it cranks up the volume somehow. She rolls her chair closer and nods.