And thank God they are.



She’s stunning.

I want to be engulfed in her light, stuck in her mind, and left to roam

through the soul that has seen and loved so much—but never like

this. I know this is different because she seems so at ease.

Sure, she may have loved Ryan, but the grin on her face now is one

that I can tell she’s never given any man before. She’s genuinely

happy, overwhelmed with emotion as she flicks her little waist into

mine, feeling for the erection we both know is there. She gets a thrill

from the thought of having me.

She can have whatever she wants as long as this smile on her face

stays right where it is.

“What do you want?” I ask between breathless kisses.

She smiles wider, her delicate hands hung on either side of my face.

She kisses the tip of my nose, blushes, and replies, “You, Percy.”

Hearing that is all I need. I scoop her up in my arms and carry her

across the garage. There’s no good place to make love in this garage,

and I wish I hadn’t been dumb enough to close the door on us and

keep us locked inside. But it seems to have made for a good chain

reaction. I wouldn’t trade this for anything.

Instead, I rest her ass on the edge of a classic car hood, the pearly

blue paint luminescent on her back as she strips out of her shirt. The

lights are dim and yellow, but they seem like runway spotlights on

her body. I graze my fingertips around her sides, watching the trace

trickle down her spine as she shudders. Pinned to my chest, she

climbs her arms around my shoulders, her legs around my waist, and

we continue kissing like we never moved.

I don’t want to ruin the façade we have together because I know it’s