are squinted, his hands pale at the knuckles while he flexes them in
and out methodically. I can’t help but see the pale hue of his skin,
drizzled in sweat from the show, and wroth with unease. He shifts his
weight a few times, back and forth, adjusting his body like he’s in a
tight room, stuck between narrow walls.
“Are you okay?”
He only nods at first, chewing the inside of his lip methodically.
“Percy, talk to me. What’s going on?”
“We just told the most gossip-filled town that we’re engaged, Leah.
I’m a little bit distracted and upset right now. I just—I need space.”
I stand at once, inching towards the doorway. “Okay, I’m sorry. I can
He looks up with his brows furrowed. His words may have told me he
needs space, but there’s a certain look in his eyes that tells me to
stay. I don’t want to be upset right now, not in front of him while he’s
obviously going through something, but he wanted support in this
So, I should support him.
Coming back to where he sits, I take my spot beside him, reach over
to his leg, and knit his fingers into mine. He squeezes my hand like
he’s giving birth, and I bite my tongue through the labor of bad
memories that flood us both of our prior relationships.
“You want to know something else about me?”
He glances sideways, his pulse quick and his grip still taut. “Another
getting-to-know-you game, car chick?”
I let the petulant nickname slide for now, given the current
circumstances. “Sure, if you want to call it that.” Steadying my tone, I
continue with, “When I was dating Ryan, my mother hated him. The
entire time we were together, actually. She couldn’t stand him in the
slightest. Said he gave off bad vibes or whatever.”