“It’s okay, Leah. You can do this. Stop hiding from the town. They

need to see we have moved on, okay? Running out of here at the first

sight of Ryan Jones isn’t going to do that.”

I nod slowly and regain my sanity. “You’re right. I’m sorry. He just

gets me so flustered. I’m so angry and—” I wave it off, cutting myself

short. “I’m sorry. I’m making your night about me. Just forget I said


“What are you even talking about? Relax, Leah. You’re going to be

okay. You’re not making anything about yourself… I’m not even sure

what you mean by that. Just go sit down at the bar and have

something to drink, okay? When this is over, we can go back to the

shop and get back to work.”

I smile wider at his assurance. “Thank you.”

“Of course. Now, watch me bring the house down.”



It’s the best set we’ve ever performed. I’m ripping out notes quicker

than I can sing them, and my guitar feels like it’s weightless in my

hands. It’s becoming easier and easier to perform through the set

while Leah is watching me. Our bond has strengthened these last few

days, and while a week is no time for us to be talking about our

deepest, darkest secrets, I find myself slipping with information

about my past.

She probably knows it all already and just doesn’t mention it. I’m

grateful for that.

I finish the second to last song, desperately needing a drink of water.

When the cord ends, the crowd cheers, and I turn my back to look at

Juluis behind me. “Hey, where’s my water at?”

He shrugs and then asks, “Was it in a paper cup?”

“No, I think it was glass.”