lighthearted to be mad at.
“That bitch!”
I cower slightly, somehow inclined to believe that whoever just yelled
was referring to me. Percy reads my unease, something crossing his
eyes that aren’t very confident in the fight that’s coming. He knows
what it is, though, and neither of us is ready for it.
“She is trying to take my husband! Where is she?”
Farrah storms in, wearing half a white dress with a silk pink robe on
like it’s a coat. Her hair is half straight, half curly, but at least her
makeup is finished completely. Percy shoots the band a look, and
they all come to our side; Reggie and Julius both standing in front of
me while Storm and Percy stand like a wall in front of the rest of us,
cutting Farrah off as she stomps over.
I can’t see if she’s wearing any shoes, but she’s walking over with a
heavy limp which leads me to believe she is only wearing one heel
under that dress—which would be a little funny any other time but
right now.
“Let me by. I need to talk to this slut.”
Percy doesn’t let that insult fly, but he’s calmer than I am. “Hey,
don’t go around calling people names, Farrah. That’s not right. What
is wrong?”
“She’s trying to steal my man,” she says in a snooty tone with her
chin jutted out. “I heard them talking. I overheard all of it. She was
going to drive away with Ryan and live happily ever after.”
I bark a laugh, everyone turning to give me a scolding look, like I
should make myself unheard right now. Percy rolls his eyes because
even he knows that her claim is ridiculous.
“Listen, this is crazy,” Percy says. “She’s not going anywhere with
Ryan. I think you should just go chill out and get ready for your
wedding, Farrah.”