climbs the stairs, and I head out to the porch. Percy turns quickly,
giving me a worried look.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I say confidently.
He scratches his neck awkwardly, his eyes on the porch while he
adds, “I saw you two hugging. I just wasn’t sure if that meant that…”
“No, it doesn’t,” I cut in. “I don’t want him, Percy. I want you.”
He smiles as he lifts his chin back up, stepping forward so he can hug
me tightly. I sigh through the embrace, my feet leaving the ground
long enough to feel weightless before we both float back down to
earth again.
“Hey, I want to tell you something, Percy.”
“Yes, darling?”
“I love you.”
He doesn’t skip a single beat, his smile is broad and wide. “I love you
too, Leah.”
I don’t sleep. How the fuck could I?
The woman I love and care about so deeply has her ex-boyfriend of
ten years sleeping on the couch downstairs. How could it get worse?
Oh yeah, he fucked the woman I was dating for four years in the back
of a car.
I don’t trust Ryan Jones further than I could throw him, and while
I’m happy eventually he will go home and leave this place, I’m still
stuck on what we told one another tonight. I love Leah Reese, and
she loves me. It almost feels surreal, and I know she needs to sleep
and get over this highly emotional night. I wish I could wake her up
and talk to her until morning.
Instead, I let her sleep peacefully in bed, getting up to stretch, maybe