“Yeah, I do, Ryan.” I look at the ring I’m wearing, one that I have had
for years as costume jewelry but has led to us faking our engagement
for a few weeks now. “I love Percy, Ryan. And as much as I could sit
here and rehash our history and try to make sense of what happened
between us, the truth is that I’m happier now. I’m happy with how
things ended because it started something so much better.”
He bites his lips inward, staring through me like glass.
I can see now, more than ever before, that Ryan Jones has heard me.
My eyes flee to the door, seeing Percy lean against the railing like he
is ready to come inside. I don’t blame him, either. I’d rather have him
in here than out in the shop with that whiskey. I get off my chair,
come close to Ryan, and wrap my arms around his waist for a second.
“Ladybug, please don’t do this. We can be together again. Just like
old times.”
I shake my head, pulling out of our brief embrace. “No, it’s okay. I’m
happy now, Ryan. I really hope you and Farrah are happy together,
“But… but why, Percy?”
I shrug, looking at the man outside who is nothing like my ideal
dream hunk. He’s got baggage, and so do I. We both aren’t nearly
perfect enough to pass judgment on one another, and I’m just fine
with that. In fact, it makes my love for him stronger.
“I just love him, Ryan. I can’t explain it, really.”
He nods in defeat, wiping his eyes while he looks around the house.
“Do you think I could stay the night and get a ride home in the
morning? I don’t think I should borrow anyone’s car to drive home.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea.”
“Okay. Mind if I use your bathroom? I hate the handle on the one
downstairs. It will just run all night and keep me up.”
I snicker at the fact that he recalls that detail and wave him away. He