making dinner. I tell him I’ll be there soon, but I’m not sure I can
move right now. While his pace was a bit rougher than I expected,
I’m not bedbound because of the intensity of our sex.
I’m panicked and frozen by the thought of these pills and when I
could have missed that I was four days off in the first place. Maybe it
was recent, and it won’t mean anything.
Maybe I accidentally skipped over them before we had sex in the
shop, and it could mean everything.
Either way, I’m petrified to know what this means, but I have a
history of psyching myself out. For now, I recall the box of tests in
the bathroom I kept on hand in my last relationship, and I toss my
birth control to the side for now. I will take it later.
What are the chances of that happening, anyway?
I had to run into town today, a rare occurrence.
Ryan said yesterday that the wedding was moved up, but I didn’t pay
attention to the new wedding date that much. I was focused on what
this means for the car, and how fast I’ll have to fix that damn pile of
rust now. I have to be cheap in my search for parts, and while I’ve
pretty much scrounged up as much as I could from the junkyard at
home to find things that still work, I am stuck going to the auto shop
today for something I couldn’t pick off another car.
Mike’s shop is a little place on the other end of the downtown strip,
and while he sells parts more than he puts parts into cars, he’s been
known to offer favors here and there. He always sent customers to
my dad when he worked on people’s everyday vehicles, but that was
before the classics and customs started taking priority.
It’s all I know, and so I carry the legacy as best as I can.
The door rings as I come inside the little storefront, the tiles are