“Hey, look at me,” I plead.

Her wide, baby blues find me.

“If you want me to stay, I would.”

Although taken aback by that claim, she shakes her head. “I wouldn’t

allow that, Percy.”

“And why not?”

“Because if I was the thing to stand between you and your dream of

touring, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. Not even a little bit.

This is an arrangement to get through the wedding together. I don’t

need to hold you back after that.”

Even if I want to tour the entire world and Mars when this wedding

is done, I’d give that up in a heartbeat if she asked me to. We’ve

bonded more than I realized in the last few weeks. While it may just

be my body jumping to the conclusion that I care for her so much

because of the predicament we’re in, it doesn’t stop my eyes from

drinking down the sight of this woman.

Her eyes dip, doing the same to me, and I can’t hold back a second


My hand finds her jaw and caresses it slightly, just enough to take

her off guard before I lean in, feeling her lips pursed against my

own. She shivers in my grasp, my hand tightening on her chin to

keep her perfectly still in my grip.

I would come up for air, but more important priorities occupy my tongue.



My back rests against the mattress, my hands clinging to the pillows

over my head. We didn’t even make it two feet up the mattress before

Percy undid my shorts and stripped me out of them. My shoes and

socks are gone as well, all taken in a single swipe.

He’s efficient—there’s no denying that.