her fangs into my boyfriend.

Well, my ex-boyfriend now.

And good fucking riddance to them both.

“Hey,” I murmur.

I stand unsteadily before Ryan who wears a sleek suit like some

hotshot lawyer in the big city. In reality, he’s an agricultural law

attorney who deals with people tagging other people’s cows and

claiming them as their own. Even with the unnecessary getup, I can’t

say I’m exactly the picture of fucking beauty.

My thighs are cold and littered with bruises and scratches from shop

work. If he sees past the dark stains and dusty impressions along my

skin and clothes, maybe he finds me just as attractive as he used to,

but that was four months ago. Too much has changed.

“How have you been? I see Ainsley at the café, but I never get to see

you around anymore.”

“No reason for me to be in town when I work at the shop,” I say,

motioning to the bank. “Well, other than making the bank trip.”

He nods casually, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He wears a

flashy watch and polished leather loafers. I’m confused as to how

someone can change so much in such little time. But thinking of that

shrill brat of a girlfriend he has now—Mr. Governor’s daughter, AKA

local royalty—it’s not hard to assume he’s changed for the sake of her


I should ask him what it’s like dating Queen Farrah, but I reign in my

sarcastic edge… for now.

“I should get back to my errand,” I add, inching my way toward the

bank steps. “It was great to see you again.”

“Wait, I wanted to ask you something, Leah.”

“Yeah, what is it?” I groan, stopping halfway up the stairs while he

waits below on the sidewalk.