—and I don’t want you to be uneasy—but Farrah’s father is making it

a town affair. Everyone is invited.”

“That’s exciting,” I gust. “I hope everyone has a great time.”

“I want you to be there, Leah.”

My arm slips off the body of the car, my back stiffening when I

straighten myself out once again. “Why would you want that, Ryan?

I’m your ex-girlfriend. It would be weird.”

“Not for me,” he says, shrugging casually. “I think it would be nice to

have you there. It’s like you’ve been my friend the longest, so why



He has my virginity, he clutched my heart, and he broke me when he


We did everything together. Prom, football games, morning jogs,

concession stand shifts, the same classes, eating lunch together,

sleeping together, practically living together—and all he can do is call

me a friend.

A best fucking friend.

“Get the hell out of here, Ryan.”

He sits up straighter as if I slapped him. If he continues to sit here

and backhand insult me some more, I just might. Pushing my hair

back, grease covering my body and grit lacing my fingertips, I can’t

help but ball my fists to contain the ire that swarms through me like

a pack of angry bees.

Standing up, and understanding my ferocity, Ryan adjusts his blazer

coat and nods towards the door. “I thought we could be mature about

this, Leah.”

“Mature how, Ryan? You cheated on me!”

“We were broken up,” he bites.

“I just asked you for space! That doesn’t mean you go seek out the