simple hangover.
“Hey, so… um…” he starts, speaking to his hands. “I’m sorry about
last night. And thank you. I didn’t thank you for getting me out of the
car. My seatbelt had locked, and I just wasn’t… I wasn’t in the right
frame of mind.”
“You’re welcome,” I sigh.
It’s quite obvious that Ryan and I have never sat down to talk before.
These unusual circumstances don’t seem to help things, either.
“So, are you two really getting married?”
I pause on that question. We were just saving face, but now I really
do love her—and she’s carrying my child now. I should reply with
something offhand about how I love her and avoid giving him a strict
yes or no, but I can’t do that.
Knowing everything I know now, and seeing how much she really
does love and respect me, there’s only one answer.
“Yeah, we are.”
He nods solemnly. “Well, congratulations on that, Percy. You’re…
you’re a lucky guy.”
“I really am.”
He brushes his hands down his face once more. “I used her bathroom
a few hours ago, and I saw…”
He doesn’t continue after his voice fades. My mind is already aware
of what he’s going to say. I pull out the test in my pocket, turning it
over in my hands slowly. It should freak me out or be a little gross
that I’m handling this thing, but it has a cap on it.
Besides, the woman I love is going to give birth to my child. I’m in for
more gross things than just a little bit of pee on a stick.
He looks at the stick tentatively before meeting my glare that’s set
somewhere between his eyes at this point. “I guess you and her are
really moving on, then.”