Page 5 of Darling Dmitri

He moved slowly toward me, and I instinctively held my ground, despite his larger-than-life figure growing as he drew near. I dropped my hands to my hips. “As much as I love our sparse interludes, I am trying to work out.”

He approached me until he stood so close, I could smell the mixture of fresh spring and musk as his scent filtered through my nose. At closer inspection, the once-thought-ominous tattoo on his defined chest was not one at all. It looked more like a distorted symbol that was burned into his skin. He glanced down at me impassively. “I am, too.”


“Yes. Here.” He nodded over to the corner, where there was a personal weight room with everything you could ask for. “Did you think Artynom did all of this solely for you?”

I kind of did. But I answered, “I never thought about it. He only told me I would have a place to train on my off days.”

“Because he built this for me.”

“I’m so grateful you are willing to share.” Sarcasm was my friend today it seemed.

Since he was so tall, my eyes reached his chest, and I couldn’t help but stare at the marred design on his skin. His muscles slightly twitched the longer I looked. “Then keep to your workout. I will do the same.” His deep voice was monotone.

“I will.” Without thought, I reached out to touch his scar. “What hap—?”

His hand shot up, gripping my wrist in a vise. His eyes narrowed in silent warning. Seconds ticked by and still, he said nothing.

“Oh, no. I forgot you have a limited vocabulary.” I forced a light smile as I fought the warmth of his touch sending tingles up my arm. “I know. Let me take a guess, and you can nod if I’m correct.”

He still said nothing, staring down at me like a dish he detested.

Good. I wasn’t fond of him either, but I couldn’t help trying to push his buttons, regardless. “You tried to give yourself a tattoo and had an allergic reaction?”


“Burned yourself with an iron?”

His eyes narrowed slightly.

“That’s it, then? You didn’t know you have to remove your shirt before ironing out the wrinkles. You must—”

His fingers dug into my wrist, cutting off my words as he growled, “We are not having this stupid conversation.”

“Why? I only want to know more about mybig brother,” I goaded.

“Don’t ever call me that.” He tried to move around me, but I stepped in front of him. He scowled. “I am more related to that weight bench over there than I am to you.” His slight accent grew more pronounced as he pointed to the apparatus behind us.

I raised my eyes. “That doesn’t even make sense.”

He flattened his lips together, clearly frustrated. “Your move to annoy me is not amusing atall.” His voice sounded ugly as he stressed the last word.

“I wasn’t trying to be funny.” I tamped down the urge to laugh. “But if it pleases you so, I will work on my comedy routine.”

“You are ridiculous,” he scoffed.

“And you have no manners. I would have thought after all these years of living with Artynom, you would be more…what is the word I am looking for?” I glanced up at the ceiling in thought and snapped my finger. “Cultured. That’s the word.”

“I’m done with this.” He started around me again but paused before glaring down his aristocratic nose. “I will give you fair warning. Fool me once…”

He was obviously still sour I picked his wallet so easily. “Shame on you,” I finished with a smug look. I couldn’t help it.

His lip curled up, looming over me, and his hand ghosted over my cheek as he rasped slowly, enunciating every word. “Keep it up, but heed my words. You won’t have the chance to fool me twice.”

I watched as his full lips settled into a smile and realized how white and perfect his teeth were. I’d never seen him smile, and it was almost shocking, mesmerizing. Even if it looked a bit like a sneer.

He strolled away while I was still feeling the aftereffects of his smile. I reached up and touched my cheek. He stopped, turning around, and his blues eyes pierced mine. He slowly raised his hand between us, and something glinted between his thumb and finger. “Thatwas too fucking easy.” He chuckled darkly and tossed my earring back at me, mocking the words I’d said when I’d picked his wallet.