Page 42 of Vows & Ruins

Vernich’s bloody, swollen face flashed in Thea’s mind: the justice Hawthorne had delivered to his fellow Warsword upon hearing of his role in her and Kipp’s near-fatal injuries.

‘I know,’ she murmured.

Cal shifted in his saddle. ‘Torj said he might be able to arrange it so that I can visit my family in the spring.’

Thea’s eyes went wide. In the early days of their friendship, Cal had told her that he’d come to Thezmarr as a teenager, leaving behind three sisters in his homeland. ‘Really? That’s amazing, Cal. How long’s it been since you went home?’

‘Years… It will be strange to see them again. If this comes to pass.’

‘I’m sure it will,’ Thea reassured him. ‘Torj is a good man. If he says he’ll make it happen, he will. I’m happy for you.’

‘Thanks.’ He thought for a moment. ‘Does it make you think you should make up with Wren?’

Thea huffed a laugh. ‘Not quite. But nice try.’

A few feet behind them, Kipp cleared his throat. ‘Who put this in my pocket?’ he asked loudly, fishing a flask from the inside of his cloak.

Thea exchanged an amused look with Cal. ‘It’s barely dawn…’

‘Exactly. It’s practically night still.’ He took a swig from the vessel and leant forward to hand it to Thea.

She laughed. ‘Suppose it’ll keep us warm,’ she said, taking a measured sip.

‘Kipp…’ Cal ventured, clearly conflicted. ‘This is a serious mission.’

‘No one’s forcing you, Callahan. Suit yourself. Thea and I will share.’

‘I didn’t say I didn’t want any —’

‘Funny, that’s exactly what your words sounded like to me,’ Kipp teased.

But Thea took pity on Cal and handed him the flask. ‘What do you know about this so-called mission, anyway?’

Cal winced at the taste of the liquor and passed it back to Kipp before speaking again. ‘Only that there was some sort of disturbance reported up the north coast. A ship lingering close to the Veil. We’re to find it and observe it.’

Thea blinked. ‘That’s it?’

‘That’s it. Torj and Esyllt were very clear about the orders. Under no circumstances are we to take any action or interfere in any way.’

Thea rolled her eyes. ‘You made this sound much more adventurous last night.’ She hadn’t realised how much she’d been anticipating some action, the opportunity to swing her sword and fell some enemies. The encounter with Hawthorne had left her more restless than before…

‘Thea, every day is an adventure with us,’ Kipp reassured her with a wink.

Though day had broken on the horizon, the once promising rays of the sun had weakened, offering a grey and moody morning. As they rode north, the seas to the left of their cliffside path grew darker, the waves in the distance reaching the clouds above.

A bark sounded from behind them and Thea jumped, spotting a big black dog bounding after them.

She beamed. ‘Dax!’

Cal watched the mongrel warily. ‘Is this the same beast that watched over you in the dorms?’

‘Sure is,’ Thea said, watching Dax overtake them and dart through the rocks ahead. ‘He’s Malik’s dog.’


‘Hawthorne’s brother. He’s the former Warsword who lives at the fortress.’

‘I didn’t know Hawthorne had a brother,’ Kipp said, frowning.