Page 31 of Vows & Ruins

A pang of guilt hit Thea low in her gut. She’d hurt Wren, and Wren was still inviting her to dinner? But Thea still couldn’t bring herself to agree.

‘I’m not ready,’ she told her sister, no anger lacing her voice, only sadness.

Wren seemed to gather herself, blinking back those unshed tears before she nodded. ‘When you are, I’ll be here.’

Thea pulled away. ‘I know.’



Feeling as bruised on the inside as she did on the outside, that evening Thea found Cal and Kipp in the armoury, arguing over the merits of cavalry versus archery units. Thea lingered in the doorway, watching their heated debate, already feeling a smile tug at the corner of her mouth and a familiar warmth spread in her chest.

‘It entirely depends!’ Kipp waved his hands passionately. ‘Is it a siege? An open battle on a field? Are there watchtowers? What about archerson horseback?Honestly, Callahan, I’m questioning my middling opinion of you.’

‘I was only saying that archers can —’

‘It’s like asking me what’s better: a beautiful naked woman on her back or on her knees?’

In spite of the day she’d had, Thea snorted. ‘Whatisbetter, Kristopher?’

Kipp leapt a foot in the air, clapping a hand to his heart. ‘Furies save me, Thea, I nearly shat my pants.’

‘Then I’d hope the Furies would save Cal and me first.’

Cal shook his head and shoved their friend aside, slinging an arm around Thea and giving her a squeeze. ‘Where have you been? We’ve hardly seen you lately.’

‘I know,’ she said. ‘I’m sorry. I was hoping you’d have some time tonight? For a drink?’ She lifted the ceramic jug she’d brought from the cabin. ‘Perhaps some sour mead from the Laughing Fox, courtesy of Wilder Hawthorne?’

She’d found it hidden at the back of the pantry. Hopefully the hard bastard wouldn’t notice it missing, at least for a long while yet. She figured her friends deserved a little something extra for withstanding her recent moods.

Kipp’s eyes lit up. ‘You wouldn’t tease me, would you?’

‘Not about sour mead,’ Thea replied, smiling. ‘I wouldn’t want to be placed in a shit unit during the next battle.’

Kipp swiped the growler from her and cradled it like a swaddled infant. ‘Good to knowsomeonesees the value in my esteemed position.’

‘Oh, sure, “unofficial apprentice” to Esyllt was a much sought-after post,’ Cal scoffed.

‘I’ll have you know there was nearly a full-blown riot over who would take the role,’ Kipp said.

‘I’m sure,’ Thea replied, hiding her grin.

‘But enough about me – for now. There are more important matters at hand.’ Kipp linked an arm through Thea’s. ‘Where shall we drink?’

‘One of your rooms?’ Thea suggested.

The young men exchanged baffled looks before bursting out in incredulous laughter.

‘Rooms?’ Cal wheezed. ‘You think lowly apprentices get rooms of their own?’

Thea was taken aback. ‘When you moved from the dormitories, I just assumed…’

Kipp chuckled. ‘We’ve got little cots, like dog beds. In fact, I think minewasa dog bed, judging by the smell.’

‘Oh,’ Thea managed. ‘I thought that was just me.’

‘Hate to break it to you…’ Kipp elbowed her, in a particularly tender spot. ‘But you’re not that special.’