Page 93 of Blood & Steel

‘What about?’ Kipp asked.

Thea sighed. ‘I don’t know. About me only caring about being a Warsword, or something to that effect.’

‘You told her that?’


Cal let out a low whistle. ‘Brutal.’

‘I didn’t mean it.’

‘Well, you’d best fix it with her soon. You’re not gonna win any apprenticeships by being a sad sap, are you?’ Kipp told her.

‘Helpful, as always,’ she said flatly.

‘We could request some leave. Take her down to the Laughing Fox.’

‘You and the fucking Laughing Fox, Kipp!’ Cal nearly upset his breakfast. ‘For the love of all the gods, will you shut up about it? And you git, when has anyone in the history of Thezmarr requested “leave”?’

Thea waved him off. ‘It’s fine, it’s fine. He’s only trying —’

‘To help, I know. Tell me this though, why is his version of help so annoying?’

Thea twisted in her seat, exchanging a surprised glance with Kipp. ‘It appears I’m not the only one in a mood this morning…’

‘Oh, don’t start.’

But to her surprise, Kipp grinned gleefully. ‘Who is she?’

‘What?’ Cal snapped.

‘There’s only one way to get you in such a strop and it’s certainly not my poor attempts at helping Thea. Who is she?’ Kipp winked in Thea’s direction.

Suddenly fascinated, Thea watched the tips of Cal’s cheeks turn pink.

‘We’re not having this conversation,’ he told them firmly, getting to his feet.

‘We aredefinitelyhaving that conversation,’ Kipp whispered to Thea as they left the breakfast table. ‘Skip your reading and have a jug of mead with us tonight. We’ll get it out of him. If anything, it’ll make you forget about your sister troubles for an hour or so.’

For the first time in days, Thea smiled. ‘Alright,’ she told him.

Though the nagging guilt persisted at the back of Thea’s mind, she felt lighter throughout the day, grateful for Kipp and Cal, despite his bad mood.

The hours passed in a blur. They finished endurance training; they completed a session of archery and they spent an unusual few hours with the Guild Master himself in the library, where he explained several military strategies the warriors had employed over the years. Kipp was the most eager of their cohort, interrupting regularly with questions and comments. Surprisingly, Osiris didn’t seem bothered by this, but rather energised to have a keen contributor. Though Kipp had told Thea of his interest in strategy, she had thought little of it until that afternoon, where it became clear that Kipp’s mind was a cut above the rest. What he lacked in coordination and strength, he more than made up for in devious tactics and a vast understanding of how an army worked.

When they left the library, Kipp was practically glowing. ‘Incredible isn’t it?’

‘What?’ Cal asked sullenly. ‘All the ways men and monsters can kill one another?’

‘Exactly,’ Kipp beamed. ‘In all our time here, you’d be forgiven for thinking that fighting is just swinging a blade or brandishing an axe at someone, but this…’ he trailed off for a moment in awe. ‘This shows a much bigger picture. It shows cunning and brutality in a much more refined way.’

‘And that’s admirable?’ Cal replied, raising a brow in Thea’s direction.

‘Of course. Certainly no less admirable than what happens on the battlefield, surely?’

‘Come on,’ Thea urged, tugging Kipp’s sleeve. ‘We’ll be late.’

‘Oh gods, it’s combat with the Bloodletter, isn’t it?’ Her friend quickened his pace instantly.