Page 76 of Blood & Steel

Thea dusted herself off, nodding her thanks to Kipp before cupping her hands around her mouth. ‘How’s that rash coming along, Seb?’ she said loudly. ‘Some of the fortress girls said you were red raw for a week?’

There was a burst of outraged commotion up ahead, but Seb couldn’t get back through the doors where the throng of shieldbearers were at a bottleneck.

Both Cal and Kipp looked at her in disbelief, and she gave them a smug smile. ‘My sister put him and his lackeys in the infirmary a few weeks ago…’

Kipp’s mouth fell open. ‘I have to meet her. Immediately.’

Thea laughed. ‘If you can tell me the best way to get a message to her, I might just introduce you.’

‘Whereas I need no introduction,’ Cal declared, resting a hand on his puffed out chest.

Thea suppressed a snort, quietly wondering what Wren would make of the two shieldbearers beside her. But all thoughts emptied out of her head as they stepped out into the chilly courtyard.

Osiris, the Guild Master, stood before the fortress gates, his glare cold and hard. Esyllt was to his right, flanked by the three Warswords of Thezmarr. Including Hawthorne. Thea’s gaze fell to him immediately, her body reacting with a rush of heat. Wearing all black, his swords were strapped to his back, and his hands rested on the hilts of a pair of wicked cutlasses at his belt. He looked as unflinching as always. Gone was the hooded gaze and parted mouth she’d glimpsed the night before. Thea’s heart stuttered.

She hoped to catch his eye, but he didn’t look at her. He merely scanned the shieldbearers before him and his comradeswith a look of contempt. Even Torj, the one who’d seemed the most relaxed to Thea, was taut with tension.

‘What’s going on?’ Kipp whispered.

‘Announcement,’ someone muttered back.

‘They couldn’t have made it in the hall where it’s warm?’ Kipp replied bitterly.

‘Shut it,’ another man snapped.

Osiris raised a hand, and the crowd of shieldbearers fell silent. ‘We have news for you today, recruits,’ he began, his voice ringing out across the courtyard. ‘Recent years have seen our Warswords travel far and wide in order to protect the midrealms. Though their numbers have dwindled, it is thanks to them that our three kingdoms have remained whole and that the magic of their rulers has endured. But our kings and queens have decided that we need our leaders close, need their wisdom, their expertise to shape the warriors of the future…’

Thea was hardly breathing.

Osiris cleared his throat. ‘It has been over a decade since this last occurred… From now on, shieldbearers will be more closely scrutinised than ever.’

All around Thea, the shieldbearers were buzzing with anticipation. She glanced at Kipp and Cal, but they were transfixed on the Guild Master.

‘Look closely at our glorious Warswords, gentlemen. Think of whom you might be proud to serve. For after the initiation test, the Warswords of Thezmarr will each select an apprentice.’


Thea’s gaze darted to Hawthorne and lingered there long enough that eventually those silver eyes raised to hers, his piercing stare sending a thrill through her. He folded his arms over his chest, arms that had shown her how to hold a bow, arms that had held her through the night, arms that could have easily lifted her naked from the bath and —

A muscle twitched in his jaw, a dark gleam to his gaze as though he, too, were recalling those moments between them and what they could mean now in the face of the Guild Master’s news.

The Warswords were taking on apprentices… and they did not look happy. All three warriors surveyed the crowd coldly as whispers broke out across the courtyard. The reversal in the policy clearly hadn’t been their idea. But it didn’t matter to Thea. Anapprenticeshipwas on the line. Like everyone else, she knew next to nothing about the Great Rite of the Warswords, but it only stood to reason that those who apprenticed to one had the best chance of passing the harrowing ritual. Her mind raced at the possibility. Three years was all she had left. To become an apprentice could alter the course of her fate, could mean carving her own legend into the realms that much sooner.

She was going to die, yes, but she would die a Warsword’s death. Thea had never wanted anything more in her life.

She tore her gaze away from Hawthorne.

Kipp was wide-eyed. ‘A Warsword’s apprentice. And we can nominate the one we want! Do you —’

Someone nearby snorted. ‘You don’t seriously think you’re in with a chance?’ Lachin jeered.

‘Anything’s possible,’ Kipp shrugged. But then to Thea and Cal he said: ‘Obviously not, doesn’t mean it’s not exciting though.’

He seemed much younger in that moment, but Thea found his optimism infectious.

‘It would be something…’ she murmured, her skin prickling in anticipation.

‘Did you two get on? You and Hawthorne?’ Cal asked, following her gaze. ‘When he escorted you to Hailford? Do you think you’ve gained some favour with him?’