Page 40 of Blood & Steel

‘Then, do you have magic yet? It’s something you are born with as a Fairmoore royal isn’t it?’

‘It is…’ Jasira said carefully. ‘Though I admit, my abilities are not at full strength yet. Father says they will come through.’

‘I’m sure he’s right,’ Thea replied. If anyone were to know about magic, it would be King Artos.

The crease between the princess’ brows deepened as she looked from Thea to the rulers of the midrealms. ‘So, you’re telling me you can feel —’

‘A toast!’ someone shouted. ‘To the late Queen Maelyn, may she rest well with Enovius!’

The princess stiffened in her seat and Thea felt a pang of sympathy for her. She knew the feast was in celebration of the king’s mourning period ending, and she couldn’t recall how long ago the Queen of Harenth had passed, but queen or no, she had been Princess Jasira’s mother. She doubted very much that the pain ceased because a feast dictated so.

‘To the late queen!’ the hall echoed.

The princess flinched.

Without thinking, Thea leaned closer to her, forgetting royal etiquette. ‘I’m sorry about your mother,’ she whispered.

Princess Jasira’s gaze was on the king, who was sniffing his wine. ‘Thank you,’ she replied.

Wine sloshed over King Artos’ goblet as he swirled the drink within, inhaling the aroma appreciatively. ‘I do say, this vintage has a hint of lilac to it… Wouldn’t you agree, King Elkan?’

Thea watched the exchange, her own nose tickling with another scent lingering in the air… Was it ash she could smell? It was not the ash of a hearth fire, but something far subtler, with a tinge of sweetness to it…

King Elkan seemed surprised to be called upon, but dutifully sniffed his own goblet. ‘I must have an underdeveloped nose for these things, Artos. It smells like wine to me.’

King Artos laughed. ‘Yes, yes, of course. But there are subtleties to each barrel.’ he sniffed again. ‘Yes, I do detect lilac…’

Thea’s skin prickled and she sat up a little straighter in her seat, searching for her Warsword escort. He was where she had left him, on the outskirts of the hall, watching everything with that discerning scowl of his.

Someone called out from further down the table, snatching her attention back. ‘Marise the merchant says that often a wine can take on the smells of whatever is planted around it. Your Majesty must have a very keen nose indeed.’

Something wasn’t right. Thea knew lilacs weren’t native to Harenth. Of course, the wine could have come from anywhere but… The added hint of strange ash in the air made her uneasy. She scanned the table, for what she didn’t know.

Until she saw it.

Traces of a fine blue powder by the king’s personal decanter.

King Artos at last raised his goblet to his lips —

‘Stop!’ Without thinking, Thea launched her knife.

It speared towards the king.

Shouts rang out down the table and then the wider hall.

Thea’s knife hit King Artos’ goblet and it fell, crashing to the floor, crimson wine spilling across the marble like blood.

Guards were on her in an instant, hauling her from her seat, roughly wrenching her arms behind her back.

‘It was poison!’ she shouted, kicking against the guards. ‘It would have killed him.’

The king was on his feet, his face flushed as he looked from his wine soaked silk sleeve to Thea, shocked.

‘Your Majesty, please,’ she implored. ‘It was poison.’

The guards started to haul her away, their grips bruising.

Thea’s heart hammered. Was she to be executed then and there? No, that was impossible, given the stone that rested against her heaving breast.